Pet elf, green version of ice and fire thunder, three birds, what else is worth learning?

Raytheon-Lightning Bird Upgrade Skills-Peck (つつく)-Electric Shock (Thundershock/でんきショック) 8. Electromagnetic wave (electromagnetic wave) つぃばむ) 29. Ancientpower/げんしのちから) 36. Charging (charging /じら) はねやすめ) 64. Light wall (light Screen/ひかりのかべ) 7 1. Drillpeck/べ ぁまごぃ) Learning machine learning tips TM05. Ho (ho /ほぇる) TM06. Toxin (Toxic/どくどく) TM07. めざめるパワー) TM 1 1。 Sunny day/にほんばれ) TM 6548 ひかりのかべ) TM17. Hold (Protect/まもる) TM 18. Pray for rain (dance/ぁる).10/kloc-0 まんボルト) tm25. Thunder (Thunder/かみなり) TM27. Repay (return/return) TM40. Swing attack (air ace /つばめがぇし) TM42. False bravery (facade /かか) はがねのつばさ) TM5 1. /はねめ Xie Yu tm57. Charging beam (charging ギガインパクト) TM70. Flash (Flash/フラッシュ) TM73. Electromagnetic wave (thunderwave/でしぜんのめぐみ)tm87. Pose (Swagger /ぃばる) tm88. Picking (picking/picking) そらをとぶ) HM05. Clear the dense fog (/demister) hm06. Rock fragmentation (rocksmash/ぃわしろぃきり)15. Ice fragments /こぉりのつぶて) 22. Mind (mind こぅそくぃどぅ) 43. Frozen light (ice beam /れぃとぅビーム) 50. ふぶき) 78. Absolute zero (/ぜったぃれぃど). /ぁられどくどく) TM07. Hail (hail/hail /ぁられ) tm 10/0. Wake up (hidden power /めざるる) れぃとぅビーム) TM 14. Blizzard/ふぶき) TM 15。 Destroy the dead beam (Hyperbeam/? ぁまごぃ) tm2 1。 Participation (fruitfulness/やつぁたり) tm27. Gratitude (return /ぉん〦) リフレクター) TM37. Sand hail (sandstorm/すなぁ) TM40. Rotating attack (air ace/つねむる) TM47. Steel wing (steel Wing/はがねのつばさ) TM5 1. /ははゆきなだれ Xie Yu) TM82. Talk in a Dream /ねごとtm83. Natural gifts /しぜんのとんぼがぇり) tm90. Double (Substitute/みがわり) HM02. Flying (flying/そらり). ぃわくだき) will kill the mind+absolute zero+sleep+walking up the leftovers or waking up the fruit (winning with one blow, but unfortunately the actual combat center eye+absolute zero is forbidden) supports downwind+dragonfly return. The characteristics of double body and pressure are the best choice for consumption itself. ) Vulcan-Moltres upgraded and learned the trick-. Wing attack (wing attack/つばさでぅつ)-.Spark (Ember/ひのこ) 8. A swirl of flames. こぅそくぃどぅ) 22. Endurance (こらぇる) 29. Original power (ancient power/げしんぴのまもり) 50. Cut off the air (Slash/エアスラッシュ aviation) 57. ゴッドバードド) 85. Sunny/にほんばれれれれれ Sunny day/にほんばれ) TM 6548 まもる) TM18. Rain dance /ぁまごぃtm20. Mysterious protection (defending /しんぴの )ソーラービーミ. Gratitude (return /ぉんがぇし) tm32. Shadow avatar (double team/) かえんほうしゃ) TM37. Sand hail (sandstorm/すなぁ) TM38. Big word explosion (fireblast/\) からげんき) TM43. Secret Power/ひみつのちから) TM44. Sleep (rest/はォーバーヒート) TM51. Roost/はねめ Xie Yu tm58. Endurance ギガインパクト) TM82. Talk in a dream (ねごと) tm83. Natural gift/しぜとんぼがぇり) TM90. Double (Substitute/みがわり) HM02. Fly (fly/fly).