How about Zhoukou Zhirong Technology Co., Ltd.?

Zhoukou Zhirong Technology Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (sole proprietorship of natural persons) registered on 2018-09-28. Its registered address is located at the North Environmental Testing Center at the intersection of Jiaotong Road and Gongnong Road, Chuanhui District, Zhoukou City, Henan Province Facade room 14-15, north to south, North Building of the Station.

The unified social credit code/registration number of Zhoukou Zhirong Technology Co., Ltd. is 91411602MA45RXTHXM. The corporate legal person Wang Meng is currently in business.

The business scope of Zhoukou Zhirong Technology Co., Ltd. is: sales of: robots, mechanical equipment and accessories, household appliances, knitted textiles, paper products, electronic products; robot development, design, and technology promotion. (Involving licensed business projects, you must obtain permission from relevant departments before operating).

View more information and information about Zhoukou Zhirong Technology Co., Ltd. through Aiqicha.