What are the English names starting with t?


The first name to be introduced is Theobald. The Chinese transliteration of this name is Hilbot. Its meaning is the brave god. When used as a name, it can be extended to mean brave. ,strong.


The second name is Thelma. The Chinese transliteration of this name is Thelma. Its Chinese meaning is a strong-willed person. When used as a personal name, it can be extended to mean strong and unyielding. , Brave and upright, resolute and unyielding.


The third name is Tonya. The Chinese transliteration of this name is Tonya. Its Chinese meaning is precious and priceless. When used as a person's name, it can be extended to mean being outstanding or being the best among a hundred.

Choose a name that sounds the same as your surname

We all know that due to cultural differences, when many foreigners call us by our names, they actually call us by our surname. Because in foreign countries, people are called by first name and then surname, so when some unscrupulous foreigners call us by our names, they also habitually treat our surname as our first name. In fact, this is not a humiliation.

This situation is just a mistake caused by cultural differences. When we choose a name, we can actually choose a name based on our own surname. Since they like to be called by a surname, we might as well choose a name that matches the surname. Homophones or English names that sound homophonic to the surname.