1. Mulberry (sāng shèn), also known as mulberry seed, mulberry cane, mulberry date, mulberry fruit, mulberry foam, black mulberry, etc., is the mature fruit of the mulberry tree and is the ear of the mulberry tree of the Moraceae plant. Farmers like to eat its ripe fresh fruit, which is sweet and juicy. It is one of the fruits that people often eat.
Mulberries are harvested from April to June every year when the fruits are mature, impurities are removed, dried or lightly steamed and then eaten in the sun, or used to make wine. The specific ripening time varies from place to place, earlier in the south and later in the north.
2. The cocoa fruit is a tree plant of the Sterculiaceae family native to tropical America. Its fruit can be made into cocoa powder and chocolate after fermentation and baking. Long before Columbus discovered the Americas, the inhabitants of tropical Central America, especially the Mayans and Aztecs, already knew the uses of cocoa beans.
3. Avocado (scientific name: Persea americana? Mill.) is a plant of the genus Avocado in the family Lauraceae, an evergreen tree, and a shade-tolerant plant. About 10 meters high, the bark is gray-green and split longitudinally. The leaves are alternate, oblong, elliptical, oval or obovate, with a very pointed apex, a wedge-shaped, very pointed to nearly round base at the base, leathery, green above, and usually slightly pale below.
The flowers are light green with yellow, 5-6 mm long, the pedicel is 6 mm long, densely covered with yellowish-brown pubescence. Both sides of the perianth are densely covered with yellowish-brown pubescence, and the perianth tube is inverted conical. The fruit is large, usually pear-shaped, sometimes oval or spherical, yellow-green or reddish-brown, with corky exocarp and fleshy mesocarp, which is edible. The flowering period is from February to March and the fruiting period is from August to September.
4. Cranberry, also known as cranberry, is an evergreen shrub and dwarf vine of the genus Vaccinium in the Ericaceae family. It looks like a crane as a whole, and its flowers resemble the head and mouth of a crane. Therefore, cranberries are also called "crane berries".
Its fruit is an oval berry 2 to 5 cm long, changing from white to deep red, and tastes heavy sour and slightly sweet. It mainly grows in acidic peat soils in the cool zones of the northern hemisphere. It is also known as the three traditional fruits of North America along with Concord grapes and blueberries.
5. Grapefruit (scientific name: Citrus paradisi? Macf.) is a citrus plant of the Rutaceae family. It is a small tree with slightly drooping branches and hairless branches. The leaf shape and texture are similar to pomelo leaves, but are generally smaller, and the wing leaves are narrower and shorter. The midribs of the wing leaves of young leaves are covered with short fine hairs. Racemes, sparse or single flowers axillary; calyx glabrous; petals slightly smaller than pomelo flowers.
The fruit is oblate to spherical, smaller than pomelo, with thinner skin, plump and cottony core, light yellowish white or pink flesh, tender, juicy, refreshing, slightly aromatic, off-flavor. Sour, some varieties have both bitter and numbing taste; few or no seeds, many embryos. The fruiting period is from October to November.