Could you please tell me what rhetoric Guo Lituo used in the biography of Planting Trees and gave examples, thank you!

The first paragraph: "disease": the name is used to move, because... is sick

"name": the name is used to move, to give a name to...

The second paragraph : "karma": the name moves, taking... as a career

The third paragraph: "Quan": the shape moves, maintaining

"Shuo": moving, making... Grow tall

"Zhao": to move, to cause... to bear fruit early

"Dan": to introduce famous works, in the morning

"Zhao": to make famous works To move, to catch with claws

"日": The famous action, every day

The fourth paragraph: "Li": The famous action is to be an official and govern the people

" "Fan": form action, promulgated many times

"Zao": form action, earlier

"Zi": name action, nurture

" "Sui": action, feeding

The first paragraph: "I am worthy of my name", the subject hometown person is omitted before the "name";

The second paragraph: "all Strive to welcome and raise", after "raise", the object he is omitted, that is, Guo Lituo;

The third paragraph: "Its original desire is to relax", omitting + prepositioning the object, it should be "the wood wants to relax it"

"So I don't want to harm his growth, it's not because he is capable and prosperous." Judgment, I just...;

"Then I love you too much." , the attributive is placed after, it should be "then it is too loving";

The fourth paragraph: "and the death is for disaster", the adverbial is after, it should be "for the death is for disaster";

"Why do you want me to live?", the object is placed in front, it should be "Why do I live";

Paragraph 5: "Isn't that a good man!", sigh, isn't it...!