What is the most appropriate name for the characters in the novel?

First of all, remembering names doesn’t always work for us. A girl named Hope would be dull. Boys named David can be scary, even though their name means "loved."

Second, look at what parents would have named their children at the time your story takes place. Try to imagine how parents would think about naming their children. A Hasidic Jewish family wouldn't name their daughter Aisling after all.

Even fictional races have morals. For example, elves might use natural names because that's their culture. Mermaids may sing with voices and names.

For me, many of the names I now give my novels are historical names and therefore chosen for me. One of the character's names I chose is Benaya. Benaya is a real person, although his name is never revealed.

In the beginning of the novel, his name is Mattisyahu, as this was a fairly common name at the time. But this name is like naming your character Thomas when writing a Henry VIII book (unwise). The real Thomases include Thomas More, Thomas Cromwell, Thomas Boleyn, Thomas Lyotsley, Thomas Lovell), I have many Mathias around me, I don’t need one .

I wanted an unusual name. Many of my characters are named after each other, so I'll have a few Salomes, a few Jonathans, a few Matthias, a few Jews, a few Johns, and a lot of Marys. So this was my chance to give myself an unusual name.

The name Benaya was chosen for several reasons. The name is unusual, but still an option because it comes from the Bible.

The nickname "Beni" became very easy, a pun on "my son", a very important quality in Benaya's life story. He was very much someone else's son, and that shaped his life. So it's unique, it fits the culture, it fits the plot.