The meaning of the name Deng. Girls named Deng.

The meaning of Deng as a name

Is the character Deng good for giving a name: Ji

Whether the character Deng is a surname: Yes

The number of strokes of the word "Deng" in the Kangxi dictionary: 12 strokes (number of strokes in the name)

The meaning of the word "Deng" in the name: means to rise, record, and appear.

What does the word Deng mean:

(1) Another example: Dengdong (to relieve oneself. Dong: Dongqi, toilet); Dengkeng (to squat) Maokeng)

(2) Climbing to the sky means death [die]. Such as: Dengxian (a euphemism for a person's death; becoming an immortal); Dengzhen (a euphemism for a person's death) (become an immortal. A euphemism for a person's death)

(3) Conferred, promoted to [confer (a title)]. Such as: Dengjian (progress, promotion); Dengzhu (promotion to important positions)

(4) Promotion, upward, bottom-up [ascend; mount; scale]

(5) wear [put on; wear]

(6) Another example: Deng Nian (feng year); Deng Qiu (autumn harvest); Deng Yan (harvest); bumper harvest

(7) (Pictogram. Original meaning: get on the bus)

Complete list of girls named Dengfen


Dengqiao Pudengjue, Dengdenli, Dengrong


Yingden Dengfu Ke Dengchangdenweideng

洄 Dengmi, Denghuan, Dengdi, Dengyang