How to pronounce Fuli Bai in Cantonese?

Fu fuk6, Rui jeoi6, Bai baak2.

According to the definition of Wikipedia, a frittata is a coffee drink made by adding micro-milk foam to one part espresso or two parts Ristretto (whipped milk with small and fine bubbles) , as smooth as velvet).

During World War II, the Italians brought espresso to Australia and invented Fuli White through local improvements. There has been controversy as to whether Fuli White originated in Australia or New Zealand. In short, it originated from Australia. . After that, it appeared on cafe menus in the United States, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere, slowly becoming a standard in major cafes.

The Chinese gave Flat White a very nice and curious name - Fulibai. (Chinese people’s novelty-seeking mentality can be seen in the coffee "Fu Rui Bai") But it is only a transliteration, and the meaning must be determined from the original text. Flat White literally translates as: flat, monotonous, white coffee, and is generally translated as "white coffee".

Coffee characteristics:

Generally, 5-ounce cups are used for milk whites, and 8-ounce cups are used for latte coffee. Both types of coffee use double espresso. If the cup is larger than 6 ounces, it cannot be called a flute but a latte. The milk temperature is slightly lower (around 60°C), and the milk ratio is smaller than that of a latte.

The milk froth should be 0.5cm thick, and should be thicker. The latte should be about 1cm thick, and the cap should be more. A flat white is 5-6 ounces, double espresso, with very thin milk foam; a latte is usually 7-9 ounces, or even 10 ounces, and the milk foam is between a flat white and a cappuccino.