In the five elements, does Tianzi belong to gold or fire?

The word Tian belongs to fire among the five elements.

Pinyin: tiān


1. Sky: top ~ standing on the ground. When the sun rises, it turns red.

2. Located at the top; erected in the air: ~ shed. ~ window. ~ Bridge.

3. The twenty-four hours of day and night, sometimes refers specifically to daytime: today~. After the winter solstice, ~ is getting longer and longer.

4. Used to calculate the number of days: every ~. Second~. Three to three nights. You've been busy. Let's go to bed early in the evening.

5. A certain period of time in a day: the fifth update~. ~It’s still early.

6. Season: spring~. Cold~. Three volts~. Huangmei~.

7. Weather: cloudy~. ~Sunny. ~It’s cold.

8. Natural; born: ~ sex. ~ Capital. ~Foot.

9. Nature: ~disaster. People will win~.

10. Surname.


Extended information:

Related words:

1. Today

[jīn tiān ]?

On this day when I spoke: Don’t leave ~ things to tomorrow.

2. Winter

[dōng tiān]?


3. Tomorrow

[míng tiān]?

The day after today.

4. Weather

[tiān qì]?

Various meteorological changes that occur in the atmosphere in a certain area and within a certain period of time, such as temperature, humidity, air pressure, Conditions of precipitation, wind, clouds, etc.: ~ Forecast. Today is very good.

5. Heaven and Earth

[tiān dì]?

Heaven and Earth: The sound of cannons shook ~.