Wang Sikun: Wang was often used to represent the monarch in ancient times; Division refers to management and presiding; Kun is taken from Gankun and refers to the earth. It means that the king is in charge of the land of Wan Li, which means that the boy is an excellent superior.
Wang Bokai: The original meaning of Bo character is broad, broad and universal, and it is extended to broad, numerous and rich; The name of a person uses the word Kai, which mainly means harmony, success, gentleness, kindness and joy. Wang and Bo are both flat tones with the second tone, while Kai is a flat tone with the third tone, and the flat and flat melody formed has some ups and downs, which is more pleasant to listen to.
Wang Zhongyu: the middle refers to the second place; Yu is the world, the universe. If parents don't want their children to be too edgy and imposing, they can take a modest name like Zhong Yu to cover up wang xing's pride.
Wang Nuochen: Chen means treasure, and when it is matched with Nuo, it means precious. The emperor's words, a promise as good as a promise, mean that boys and babies should inherit the monarch's trustworthy character and be honest.
Wang jingxuan: jiing describes the radiant appearance of jade, which can also be used to describe people's appearance as radiant as jade; Xuan refers to a house with small windows in ancient times, and it can also mean grand appearance. It means that boys are dazzling and imposing.
In addition, wang xing boys' names are:
Wang Yanchao, Wang Zhengjian, Wang Haozhi, Wang Dongjun, Wang Gehao, Wang Chenjie
Wang Gonghong, Wang Tingxue, Wang Nuorui, Wang Nuohe, Wang Xianliang, Wang Jingjun
Wang Zhengyan, Wang Shengwei, Wang Zhuozhen and Wang Zhengjian.