What does the name Mingrun mean?

Analysis of words

Inscription: words cast, carved or written on an object to describe life, deeds or to warn oneself: inscription. inscription. Mingzhi. motto.

Moisture: 1: delicate and smooth: glossy. Smooth. Pearly and round. 2: to make shiny, to modify: to retouch. polish. 3: Not dry, moderately moist: moist. moist. Moisturize.

Explanation of idioms

Unforgettable and unforgettable

Pearls, round jade, ice, clear jade, moist, warm and lustrous

Tang poetry and Song lyrics

< p>Going into trouble in high spirits, who cares about Yanshan Ming. -Wang Changling's "Two Poems on a Young Man's Journey"

It is a tribute to the things that you know and praise, and the inscription of honor expresses the sacred heart. -Zhang Jiuling, "Passing by Huashan in Fenghe Sacred System"

The fragrance of the rain is latent and moist, and the spring water is flowing secretly. - Wen Tingyun's "Qu Zhe's Ci"

The bamboos in front of the windows are moist with jade, and plum blossoms are blooming in the courtyard. -Zhang Jiuling "Watching the Snow in the Morning at the Beginning of Spring"