The glory of the king's name has been occupied. What symbol will not be displayed?

Some special symbols will not be displayed, such as symbols, which were renamed successfully but could not be displayed.

Expand the step of typing all blank names.

When entering the glory of the king, if it is a new number, you can directly establish a nickname. If it's not a new number, go to the mall to find a special price.

2. Spend 90 cents to buy a name change card in the special offer, open your backpack to find the name change card you just bought, and click Use.

3. Copy the emoji expression, and delete the words and slashes of the expression as hidden space. If you repeat it several times, you can change it when you delete it until a space symbol appears. QQ expression+sogou QQ Pinyin input blank words copy and paste, in general, is to use expressions.

After modification, when you enter the game again, your name will be blank.