Do you think St. Augustine the hippo is black or mixed?

According to historical records, St. Augustine was ridiculed for his dark complexion. The ancient Berbers were not white. They were called Maori by the Romans, that is, black people. The word Mauri is equivalent to Moor in English. The etymology of the word Moor implies the dark skin color of ancient Berbers.

"North Africans, Berbers, one of the races living in Barbary", at the end of 14. Derived from ancient French, medieval Latin Maurus, from Latin maurus "inhabitants of Mauritania" (corresponding to northwest Rome, Algeria and northern Morocco now), and from Greek Mauro. Maybe it's a local name, otherwise it's homologous to Mauro. "Black" (but this adjective only appeared in late Greece, as opposed to names).

This also applies to the Arabs who conquered Spain. Compared with Europeans, they are a dark people, and their name was synonymous with "Negro" in the Middle Ages.

In Latin Middle Ages, Maori refers to the mixed-race of Berbers and Arabs living in the coastal areas of northwest Africa. In Spain, Portugal and Italy, Mauri became Moros (French Maures). However, it is more common to address people with black skin or black race, just like its English usage, which can be traced back to14th century.

Early Christianity was not taught in western history classes in North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. There is a good reason: it will cover up the myth of "North Africa White".

Orthodox and conservative Catholics prayed to hundreds of black saints, who were black idols of early Christian churches in North Africa. Black saints are also called St. Moors. North Africa has produced hundreds of black saints, thousands of martyrs and three popes called black popes, such as Pope Meijid.

Two thousand years ago, North Africa was a very different place, mainly inhabited by indigenous blacks. White people and nearby white people are a minority, concentrated in coastal towns.

Millions of whites were brought to North Africa in various capacities, including slaves, soldiers and laborers of Arabs, Moors and Ottomans. In North Africa, the enslavement of white people by Moors, Arabs and Ottomans is a taboo topic, and it is also a topic that is often suppressed.

White slavery refers to human trafficking for the purpose of prostitution, which originated in the era when European women were commercialized and sold in the Islamic slave market. Cherokee beauties are in great demand because they are regarded as trophy wives and preferred breeding partners. Many Arabs and Moors are proud to be the children of white women.