What does yellow brick mean?

Yellow Brick Road Yellow Brick Road is an element in lyman frank baum's novel The Wizard of Oz. The film The Wizard of Oz, adapted from the novel and shot at 1939, named it Yellow Brick Road and became famous in one fell swoop. No matter in novels or movies, the Yellow Brick Road is the way Dorothy was ordered to go from Lilliput to emerald city to seek the help of the great wizard Oz. Scholars analyze novels and movies according to a large number of political metaphors and metaphors. The Yellow Brick Road was regarded as golden road, and in the1890s (gold and silver were the subject of intense political debate. The silver slippers in the movie are decorated with rubies.

In the book Dressed Girls in Oz, it is revealed that there are two yellow brick roads from Lilliput to emerald city. In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy chose a south road.