Мужскиеимена Men's name Александр Alexander (Greek) Defender Алексей Alexey (Greek) Defender Анатолий Anatoly (Greek) Sunrise Андрей Andrei (Greek) Brave man Антон Anton (Greek) Greek) Go into battle Борис Boris (Russian, Bulgarian) Struggle for honor Валентин Valentin (L) Healthy man Валерий Valery (L) Strong man Василий Vasily (Greek) Ruler Виктор Victor (L) ) The winner Владимир Vladimir (S) The man who owns the world Геннадий Gennady (Greek) The noble Евгений Yevgeny (Greek) The noble man Егор Yegor (Greek) The peasant Ефим Yefim (Greek) A kind-hearted person Иван Ivan (ancient Judea) A person cherished by God Игорь Igor (Russia) A person favored by God, a person protected by the god of wealth Илья Ilya (ancient Judea) My God Jehovah Лев Lev (Greek) ) Lion Леонид Leonid (Greek) Lion Максим Maxim (Ra) The Greatest Матвей Matvey (Ancient Judea) Gift of the Lord God Михаил Mikhail (Ancient Judea) Like God Никита Nikita (Greek) ) Victory Николай Nicholas (Greek) Victory of the People Олег Oleg (Scandinavia) Holy Пётр Peter (Greek) Stone Семён Semyon (Ancient Jude) Hearing God Сергей Sergei (Ra) A prominent Roman family Степан Stepan (Greek) Garland Юрий Yuri (Greek) Peasant Яковь Yakov (ancient Jewish) Heel (born by grabbing the heel of his twin brother) Женскиеимена: Аврора Aurora (La) Sichen goddess name АгатаA Gata (Greek) good, kind person Аделина Agelina (Germanic) noble person Алла Ala (Greek) second Анна Anna (Greek) kind Анфиса Anfisa (Greek) flowering Анфия Amphiya (Xi) Flower Белла Bella (Pulla) Beautiful Валентина Valentina (Pullage) Healthy person Валерия Valeria (Pullage) Strong person Вера Vera (Xiu) Faith Вика Vika (Pullage) ) Victory Виктория Viktoria (L) Victorious Галина Galina (X) Quiet Дарья Dalia (X) Possessing kindness Диана Diana (L) Goddess of the moon and hunt named Евгения Evgenia (X) Noble person Екатерина Ekaterina (Greek, La) Purity Елена Elena (Greek) Solar Зоя Zoya (Greek) Life Ирина Irina (Greek) Peace, tranquility Искра Iskra (Russia, New) Mars Катерина card Telina (Greek, La) Purity Клара Clara (La) Pure Ксения Ksenia (Greek) Hospitality Лариса Larissa (Greek) Greek city, worshiping Zeus Лилия Lilia (Russia, New) Lily Лина Li Na (Xi) Любовь of Mount Olympus Lyubov (Xi) Love Людмила Lyudmila (S) Everyone's favorite Марина Marina (La) Мария of the ocean Maria (Guyu) Favorite Надежда Nadze Zhida (Greek) Hope Настасья Nastasya (Greek) Resurrection Нат
алья Natalya (La) Birth Ольга Olga (Scandinavia) Holy Павла Bafra (La) Little Рада Lada (S) Joy Раиса Raisa (Hischi) Imprudent, without Carefree Светлана Svetlana (Russian) Bright Свобода Svoboda (Greek) Free Сусанна Susanna (Ancient Jewish) Water lily Тамара Damara (Ancient Jewish) Date palm Татьяна Tatiana (Greek) Formulated Фея Feya (Greek) Goddess Фрида Frida