Bounty of 20 Berry!
Straw Hat Pirates
├Captain Mochi~D~Luffy Monkey D Luffy モンキ~D~ルフィMonkey~D~Luffy
├ Swordsman Roronoa Zoro Roronoa Zoro Roronoa Zoro
├Navigator/Pirate Thief Nami Nami ナミNami
├Sniper/Bragging King Usopp deceitful cloth
├Cook Sanji Sanji
├Ship Doctor Tony Tony~Sobber Tony Tony Chopper Toni Duny~Chopper
└Archaeologist Miss All Sunday Nico Robin ニコ~ロビン Nico~Robin
The Red-Haired Pirates
├Captain "Red Hair" Shanks Shanks Red-Haired Jack
├Vice Captain Benn Beckman Benn Beckman ベン~ベックマン Ban~Beckman
├Lucky Roo/Roux Lucky Roo/Roux
└Rockstar Rockstar Lucky Roo/Roux< /p>
Windmill Village
├Bar owner Makino Makino Maggie
├Village Chief Unknown Sonchou Village Chief
└Bandit Higuma ヒグマSigma
Alvida Pirates
├Captain "Alvida" Alvida 金剑のアルビダ/レディ~アルビダAbbiata p>
└Hunter of the Abida Pirates→Job of the Navy Branch→Job of the Navy Headquarters Koby コビ克比
Navy Base
├Rescued by Zoro The little girl Rika Rika リカ
├Navy Captain Morgan's son→Navy Branch Job/Navy Headquarters Job Boy" Helmeppo ヘルメッポBerumebo
└Navy Base Colonel/Navy fugitive "Axeman" Morgan Axeman Monka
Zolo's hometown
├Zolo's childhood good friend Kuina Kuina< /p>
└Zolo Master Unknown Unknown Unknown
Buggy Pirates
├Captain "Clown" Buggy 道化のバギClown Buggy
├Vice Captain "Beast Master" Mohji Moji Mochi
├Pet Richie Richie
└Chief of Staff "Acrobatic" Cabos Cabaji quyunのカバジAcrobatics v Cabaji
Orange Town
├Mayor Buto Road Boodle ブドル
└Chou Chou, the interesting puppy guarding the feed store シュシュrest/Xiuxiu
Residents of Precious Beast Island
└"Treasure Box Man" Gaimon Gaimon ガイモン卡MON
Juice Village
├Usopp Pirates member Carrot Ninjin にんじん
├Usopp Pirates member Green Pepper Piman ピマン
├Usopp Pirates member Onion Tamanegi たまねぎ
├Usopp’s owner of Murakami’s mansion/doctor Kaya Kaya カヤKeya
├Kaya’s servant Mari Merry
└Usopp Pu's mother is unknown
Black Cat Pirates
├Captain of the Black Cat Pirates/Kaia's butler "scheming" Kuro/Gurahano Kuro キャプテン~ Kurlok/Crabatl
├Vice Captain of the Black Cat Pirates→Navy Headquarters Third Class Private/Hypnotist "Hypnotist" Jango ジャンゴJacks
The spotted cat Buchi Buchi who guards the ship of the Black Cat Pirates
└The Siamese cat Sham who guards the ship of the Black Cat Pirates
Bounty Hunter
├Johnny Johnny ジョニJohnny
└Yosaku Yosaku Joseph
Sea Restaurant
├Captain of the Navy Headquarters → Private 3rd Class "Iron Fist" of the Navy Headquarters Hopodi Fullbody punch のフルボディfenbudi
├Offshore restaurant owner and chef "Barefoot" Zhuofu Zeff ゼフ泽pu
├Offshore restaurant chef Patty パティPaidi
└Seaside restaurant chef Galgan Carine カルネKarl
Victory over the pirate fleet
├The leader "Admiral" defeated Krieg Leader ~ クリクKRik
├Pirate Fleet Battle Captain "Gin Man" Aken Gin ギン金
└Pirate Fleet Second Division Captain "Iron Wall" Road Pearl Wall のパルbara
< p>Jurokiel "Eagle Eye", one of the King's Seven Warlords ~ Mihawk Mihawk Mihawk Arlong Pirates├Leader "Sawtooth Sharkman" Arlong Arlong ノコギリの アロン龙
├Leader "Kissing Murloc" Chew/Chuu チュウ咻
├Leader "Manta Murloc" Black Belt Kuroobi Kuroobi
├Cadre "Octopus Man" Hatchan Hatchan/Hatchi はっちゃん小八
└Combatant Manatee Demon Gate MohMoo Manatee モム
Coconut Tree Village and Takasago Town
p>├Nami’s sister Lusko Nojiko ノジコLili
├Nami’s mother Bellemere/Belmeil ベルメル Bellemeil
├Dr. Cocoa Nishimura ?Get high
├Cocoa Nishimura Police Assistant Genzo ゲンゾウAken
├Navy Division 16 Colonel Mouse ネズミ
├Takasago Town Boy Searching for Treasures チャボ
└ Commodore Pudding Pudding of the 77th Navy Division
Major Brandnew of the Navy Headquarters
Luo Ancient Town
├Navy Headquarters Colonel Smoker 白のスモカSmoker
├Navy Headquarters Tashigi Tashigi
├ GOLD ROGER BAR owner Naoru-
├Bounty hunter Dadi who takes care of children-
├Dadi’s daughter Garufu-
├Chef "Flame" Kami-
├Kami's subordinate José-
├Kami's subordinate Leo-
├Weapon shop owner Ipponmatsu Hikari マツ
└Revolutionary Dragon Dragon ドラゴン
Thousand-Year Dragon Chapter
├Abis, a resident of Battleship Island-
├Navy Branch Unknown captain -
├Admiral Nelson of the 8th Navy Division~Roy-
├Mercenary Eric-
├Grandpa Bogudan, a resident of Battleship Island -
└Thousand-year-old Dragon Lord-
Twin Capes
├Twin Capes Caretaker Guluokasクロッカス
├Island Whale Nabin ラブンrab
├Baroque Works Mr?9 Mr?9 Mr?9 Mr?9
├"Sneaking into the Baroque Works Intermediate Agent/Alabasta Kingdom Princess" "Miss Wednesday Nefertari~Bibi"
│"MissWedesday Vivi Nefertari" ネフェルタリ~ビビ"Miss Wednesday Nefertari~Vivi"
├Baroque Works UNL
UCKY/Mr. Haise Mr.13 Mr.13 Mr.13 Mr?13
└Baroque Works UNLUCKY/Vulture Miss Friday Miss Friday ミス~フライデMiss Friday
Mount Huskies
├"Sneak into Baroque Works as a mid-level agent/Alabas as captain of the Kingdom Guard" "Mr?8Igaram" "Mr?8Igaram" イガラム"Mr?8Yinkarem "
├Baroque Works Intermediate Agent Miss Monday Miss Monday ミス~マンデMiss Monday
├Bibi's mount/Super Karoo Duck Force Captain Karoo Karoo runs fast
├Baroque Works Senior Agent Mr?5 Mr?5 Mr?5 Mr?5
├Baroque Works Senior Agent Miss Valentine Miss Valentine ミス~バレンタインMiss Valentine's Day
└Baroque Works Sea and Land Transport Turtle Punch
Navy Headquarters Vice Admiral Fist Garp Garp ガブGarp
Small Garden
├Baroque Studio Senior Agent/Plastic Artist Mr3 Mr3 Mr3 Mr3
├Baroque Studio Senior Agent/Realistic Painter Miss Goldenweek Miss Goldenweek ミス~ゴルデンウィクMiss Golden Week
├ The Titan "Red Oni" Burogy Burogy
└The Titan "Ao Oni" Dorey Tori
President of Baroque Co., Ltd./Shichibu Kaiyuki 一 Mr0 Crocodile Mr0 (サ~クロコダイル) Mr0 Crocodile
Drum Roof Kingdom
├Former Drum Roof Kingdom Evil Advisor Jess Chess チェスJace< /p>
├Wapol, the former king of the Dome Kingdom, ワポルValpo
├Koromarimo, the former evil official of the Dome Kingdom, Koromarimo クロマリモChromalis
├Chess and Cromarimo combined Chessmarimo Jessmaris
├Wapol’s mount white beast Robertson Robson
├"Former Drum Roof Kingdom Guard Chief/Drum Roof Island Guard Chief" Dolton Dolton ドルトン Dalton
├Animal Picnic Bear Picnic Bear of Drum Roof Island
├Drum Roof Island Resident Anthlon Bear Maria Anthlon Bear Maria
├ Doctor 20 イ?Doctor 20
Animals of Drum Roof Island Lapeng Rurabai
< p>├The Doctor of the Drum Roof Island Dr Kureha Dr Kureha DrくれはDr Gureva└The Doctor of the Drum Roof Island Dr Hiluluk/Hilruk Dr Hiluluk Dr Hiluluk Erke
├Baroque Work Agency Intermediate Agent Mr11 Mr11 Mr11 Mr11
├Baroque Work Agency Senior Agent/Shemale Mr2 Peng~Ge Bon Clay Mr2ボン~クレMr2von~Clay
├King of the Kingdom of Alabasta Nefertari~Cobra Nefertari ネフェルタリ~コブラNavua~Cobra
├Portagas, Captain of the Second Team of the Whitebeard Pirates~D~Ace Portugas/Portagas D Ace ポトガス~D~エスPortakas~D~Ace
├Ara Bill Pell, Deputy Chief of Guard of the Kingdom of Alabasta, Pell ハヤブサのペルBell
├Deputy Chief of the Guard of the Kingdom of Alabasta, Chaka Chaka ジャッカルのチャカChaka
├Rebellion leader Kohza コザ Kosa
├Balubaru Sand Bandit
Captain Balu Balusa-
├Lazar, a member of the Balu Balu Sand Bandits-
├Saba, a member of the Balu Balu Sand Thieves Group-
< p>├Fake rebel Camus and four others-├Gossa’s father Toto
├Bounty hunter Scorpion Man-
< p>├Scorpion Man’s son Dibu-├Scorpion Man’s son Qibu-
├Baroque Works Senior Agent Mr4 Mr4 Mr4 Mr4
├Baroque Works Senior Agent Miss Merry Christmas Miss Merry Christmas ミス~メリクリスマスMiss Christmas
├Baroque Works Senior Agent/Killer Mr1 Daz~Polyki Mr1 Daz Bones Mr1 Mr1Daz ~Bonis
├Baroque Works Senior Agent/Assassin Miss Double Finger Pola Miss Double Finger ミス~ダブルフィンガMiss Double Finger
├Alabasta Elite Guard Claw Kick Troops ツメゲリ Troops Clawed Duck Troops
├Baroque Co., Ltd. Intermediate Agent/Gunner Mr7 Mr7 Mr7 Mr7
├Baroque Co., Ltd. Intermediate Agent/Gunner Miss Father's day Miss Father's day ミス~ファザズデMiss Father's Day
├Navy Headquarters Colonel "Black Prison" Hina Hina 谪のヒナ黑谞娜
├The Chief of Staff of the Royal Palace of the Kingdom of Alabasta/Yinka Lyme's Wife Diragat Tirageta
├Mr4's Love Gun Lasso Lasso
└La Rohana's Child Kabbah
< p>Saruyama United Army├The final leader of the Saruyama United Army, Umbra~Kulik Morbran Cricket モンブラン~クリケットMonbran~Kulikai
├Mathra Pirates Captain Masira サルベジ王マシラ Salvage the King of Orangutans
└Chief of the Orangutan Pirates Orangutan Morinohito/Shoujou Undersea Exploration King King of Orangutans
Binami Pirates< /p>
├Captain of the Binami Pirates/Duflamin’s subordinate "hyena" Binami Bellamy
└Binami Pirates crew/Duff Lamin's subordinate Sarquiss Sarquiss ビッグナイフ~サキス Sarquis
The Captain of the Rossio Pirates "The Executioner" Rossio the Executioner ロシオ Rossio
World Government
p>├The highest power of the world government, the Five Old Stars Five Old Stars
├The Navy Headquarters Vice Admiral, the Chief Staff Officer, the Chief Staff Officer, Ahe
├The Navy Headquarters Marshal, Chief Admiral センゴク之Warring States
Don Quixote~Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords under the King Donquixote~Doflamingo Don Quixote~Doflamingo Bartholomew Bear バソロミュ~くまBartholemew~Big Bear
Blackbeard Pirates
├Captain of Blackbeard Pirates "Black Marshall D Teach マシャル~D~ティチ "Blackbeard" Marshall~D~Tingqi
├Blackbeard Pirates crew member Lafitte Lafitte ラフィットraft< /p>
├Blackbeard Pirates' ship's doctor "Reaper" Tako Q Doc Q ドクQ "Reaper" Poison Q
├Blackbeard Pirates' sniper "Otonoshi" Yun~Oga Van Auger ヴァン~オガ「Supersonic」Van~Ouge
└The helmsman of the Blackbeard Pirates "Champion" Jesus Burgess ジザス~バジェス「Ge
Fighting Champion "Jesus ~ Burgess
Author: First Grade Guard Captain 2006-11-30 15:16 Reply to this statement
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4 For the list of One Piece names, please refer to here
Gaya's Animal Guide Bird South Bird Nannan Mitori
The leader of the Whitebeard Pirates "Whitebeard" Edward~Newgate Edward Newgate エドワド~ニュゲト "Whitebeard" Edward~Newgate Sky Island
├Skypiea Genshin→Sky Knight Gon~Cole Gon Forr ガン~Fフォルgan~Fol
├Gon~Cole’s mount Pierre ピエル
├Skypiea Sky of Gate Monitor Amazon Amazon アマゾン
├Angel Island resident Conis コニスcornis
├Conis’ pet Sue
├Angel Island resident Pagaya Pagaya パガヤPaigaya
└White Beret Captain McKinley Captain マッキンリ
Legion of Gods
├God of Skypiea God~Eneru Enel/Eneru God (ゴッド)~Eneru God~Eneru
├Satori of the Skypiea Priest Forest Mori no Daigo of the Forest
├Skypiea Priest "Sky Rider" Shura Shura スカイライダ~シュラ "Sky Rider" Shura
├Suna's mount Sanzhu Tofucha cross-legged
├Skypiea Priest "Sky Banchou" Nirvana Gedatsu "Sky Guard Chief" Nirvana
├Skypiea Priest "Sky Breeder" Ohm カイブリダ~オム"Sky Warlock" Ohm
├Ohm's Dog Holly Holy
├Skypiea’s commander Yama Yama ヤマ大山
├Skypiea’s deputy commander Xiaowu Morinaka Satoru
└Skypiea Deputy Commander Hosigo Kotorori Mori no Satoru
├Sandia resident Elsa/Aisa Aisa Aisa
├山 Dia Warrior Wiper Wiper ワイパWaipa
├Sandia Warrior Praying Mantis Kamakiri カマキリ Kamakiri
├Sandia Warrior Braham ブラハムBraham< /p>
├Sandia warrior Genbou ゲンボウjebao
├Sandia warrior Laki Laki ラキ兰奇
└Sandia chief
The Explorer and the Great Warrior
├Admiral Umbra of the North Sea Expedition ~ Morbran Norland Morbran Norland
├Calgar, the Great Warrior of Sandia Lakargara
├Sandiya resident/Kalgara daughter Musi
└Sandaya resident (400 years ago) Shite
├Nagashima Horse Girl Julie
└Nagashima Nomad Donggit
FOXY Pirates
├FOXY Pirates Captain "Silver Fox" Foxy
├FOXY Pirates Combatant Porche
├FOXY Pirates Combatant "Four-legged Dasher" Hamburg< /p>
├FOXY Pirates Banquet Team Captain Ito Earthworm Tubiflex
├FOXY Pirates Combatant "Sailfish Fishman" Kapoty
├FOXY Pirates combatant "Shark" Monda
>├FOXY Pirates Combatant "Collision Machine" Pickles
└FOXY Pirates Combatant "Fish Giant" Big-Pan
Navy Headquarters Admiral Ao kiji
Sea Train
├Freestyle Swimming Frog Yugezina
├Sift Station Director Kokoro
< p>├Kokoro’s granddaughter Kimni└Cat (actually a rabbit) Cyborg
Water City
├The Big Helmet Pirates Leader Mikazuki
├Water Lord Mayor and Galley Company President Iceburg Iceburg
├Water Lord Mayor Secretary Kalifo
├Galley Company Boatman "Yamakaze" Kaku
├Galley Company Boatman Parry
├Galley Company Boatman Rob~Lucci
├Galley Company Boatman Pibri ~Lulu
├World Government Official Gouji
├Mysterious Person CP9
└Franky Hourse Old** ****** Franky p>