Is petrified wood radioactive?


Peerified wood is a true fossilized wood. It is a tree fossil that was replaced by SiO2 (silicon dioxide) in groundwater after trees were quickly buried underground millions of years ago or earlier. It retains the woody structure and texture of the trees.

Fossilized plant trunks petrified by siliceous material. Its outstanding feature is that the original microstructure of the tree trunk is clearly preserved and its appearance is lifelike. In addition to being replaced by silicon oxide, plant xylem can also be replaced by calcite, dolomite, apatite, and even some limonite, pyrite, etc., collectively called petrified wood. Ancient China understood the origin of petrified wood very early.

Extended information:

The main reason for the formation of petrified wood is that ancient forests were buried underground in large quantities under the action of natural forces. The wood was exposed to high pressure, low temperature, and anoxic geological environment. Soaked in a saturated solution of silica, the carbon elements in the trees are gradually replaced by silica, retaining the original shape and structural characteristics of the trees, and incorporating trace elements from the surrounding rock to form colorful colors. This is the origin of petrified wood. .

Baidu Encyclopedia - Petrified Wood

Baidu Encyclopedia - Petrified Wood