In sports competitions, what is the origin of the names of track and field events? The following content will answer this question for everyone, you can refer to it.
Track and field competition, as the name suggests, is the collective name of track and field competition and track and field competition. Why are they called track and field competition and track and field competition? It turns out they are named after the venue. At first, there was no standard track and field like it is now. Some jumping and throwing competitions at that time were held on an empty field. 3 And some running events were held on a flat road, "field". This is where the name "Jing" comes from. After a more formal track and field stadium was established, the throwing and jumping competition venues were held inside or outside the track. The jumping sand pits and various throwing areas were neatly sized, and they still looked like "field sports venues." "image.
The various events of the track race are held on the track, and the width of each track is only a little more than one meter. From the interpretation of the meaning of the main road is "road" and the small road is "path", it is called The "trail" race is naturally very appropriate. Therefore, the titles of field and track events have been passed down to this day.
In addition to track and field events and track and field events, there is also a category called "all-around sports", which is a comprehensive event composed of several individual events selected from some track and field events. Some people also call it "multi-sport", which has the same requirements as the "all-around" event of competitive gymnastics, that is, whether you are good at one or two individual events, you must be good at multiple events and "all-around", so it is called "all-around sport" . With the development of track and field sports, some modern textbooks have given the following definitions to track and field events, track events and "all-around sports": various distances, different ways of walking, racing and other events that use time to calculate results are called " "Track and field events" refer to jumping and throwing events in different ways and with different equipment that are measured by distance (height or distance). "Track events" are called "field events". Comprehensive events consisting of some running, jumping, and throwing events use scoring methods. The calculation of results is called "all-around exercise".