Company name

A nice company name

As more and more registered companies appear, it is becoming more and more difficult to choose a company name that has passed industrial and commercial verification. Words commonly used by the public are basically has been registered on the Internet, so choosing a company name is no longer so simple, and it is very particular. There are several very obvious things to note when naming a company:

(1) The company name must not be registered with the same company The name of the same industry that has been registered and approved by the agency is the same.

Note: In addition to registered companies, this rule shall not be used to cancel the name of a peer company that is less than one year old, change the name of a peer company that is less than one year old, or have a business license that has been revoked but has not yet been cancelled. The names of registered peer companies are the same

(2) The company name must not contain words that are harmful to the interests of the country and society:

For example: negative or affecting politics, Promoting terrorism, racial and gender discrimination, involving drugs, violence, etc.

(3) The registered company name must not contain content or words that may deceive or misunderstand the public;

For example: the names of national leaders or well-known figures, reactionary political figures, religious names;

1. The name of a registered company must not contain party and government, agency, social organization, military number, etc.;


(5) The registered company name should use Chinese characters, and foreign languages, letters, *** numbers, etc. are not allowed.

What are the types of business names?

Corporate naming is a common type of naming in society. Most of them are industrial and commercial names, that is, store naming, corporate naming, product naming, trademark naming, etc. Most of these commercial names are people’s inventions. I came up with it after exhausting my brains and carefully considering every word and sentence, because whether the business name is appropriate or not is directly related to the business and image of the business. As a businessman, regardless of the size of the capital, they attach great importance to their name.

Enterprise naming is a commercial activity, so the business name should follow commercial principles and be named according to its own business projects, products, consumer objects, etc. The main characteristics of commercial names are that they vary according to local conditions and products.

Several types of business names

1. Use place names as business names, such as Yangtze River Enterprise Company, Yellow River Group Company, Taishan Group Company, Jialing Motorcycle Company, Pearl River Group Company, Zhangjiajie Tourism Company, Ejue Mineral Spring Beverage Company, etc. This kind of naming is relatively common among Chinese companies.

2. Use auspicious and socially beloved things as corporate names, such as Nanjing Panda Electronics Group Company, Monkey King Welding Company, Chunlan Group Company, Pegasus MSG Company, Hongmei Camera Factory, Jinlu Group Company, Haima Furniture Mall and so on.

3. Choose rich and noble words as your company name. Such company names can be divided into two categories: implicit and straightforward. The more straightforward corporate names strive to show their extraordinary style, such as Goldlion, Silverlila Company, Fushen Company, Fuguiniao Leather Shoes Company, Xiaobawang Computer Company, Royal Resort, Imperial Hotel, etc. Implicit ones include Hongdu Film Company, New Era Guangsha, Tianlong Sofa Factory, Giant Tree Clothing Company, Gaoya Silk Fabrics Co., Ltd., etc.

4. Choose a name with a strong traditional commercial flavor as the company name

This type of name was most popular in China in the old days. Such as Yuanfeng Bank, Daqingyuan Bank, Fukang Bank, Shunkang Bank, HSBC Bank, Ruikangsheng Pigment Bank, etc. Most of the names of such enterprises are composed of Chinese characters with auspicious and auspicious characters, which means auspiciousness for their business and production.

5. Choose a name with a modern meaning as the company name

In order to comply with the trend of the times and cater to the aesthetic tastes of modern consumers, some companies pay attention to choosing names with a modern meaning. This type of name Generally, it gives people a sense of foreign style, a commercial taste, and a sense of fun. Such as Beijing Yansha Commercial Building, SEG Mall, Parkson Group, Xiehe Group, Meiqi Hairdressing, Haiyun Bodybuilding Center, Oris Cosmetics Company, Meijiajing Cosmetics Co., Ltd., etc.

It should be noted that more and more companies are using foreign language transliterations to pursue foreign names. Many names only focus on the gorgeous meaning of the characters on the surface, and are composed of several characters with quite modern meanings. As for the meaning of the name, it does not matter. Pay attention again. This kind of corporate name will eventually lose its cultural connotation and become a symbol.

Specific steps and methods for naming companies and products

The naming methods for companies and products are based on industry characteristics and product performance, incorporating Chinese character principles (phonics, meanings, glyphs, etc.) and CI principles , Tai Chi principles, aesthetic principles, geography and humanities, regional culture, age structure and focusing on the internationalization and creativity of naming. Finally, proper positioning and comprehensive analysis are used to create a unique, easy to identify, easy to spread, and good name that is conducive to the development of the enterprise. Create a world-famous brand with cultural heritage. Of course, the agility of mathematics has its inducing and suggestive power on everything that has a name or title. Therefore, when naming a company or product, it is safer to refer to 81 mathematical predictions of good and bad luck. Especially when naming a company, the company name, word-of-mouth name (trade name) must be auspicious. The general name of the company should also be auspicious in mathematics and the meaning of the words should be good. The Five Elements of Mathematics should be in harmony with the name of the person in charge (legal representative) and the Five Elements of Personality. It is important not to conflict with the Five Elements of the company name and the Five Elements of the person in charge.

Notes on naming enterprise products:

The industry nature, registered capital, geographical location, business scope, corporate philosophy, name of the operator and year, month and day of birth of the enterprise need to be provided , time (lunar calendar). If there is a collaborator, please provide the collaborator's name and year, month, day, and hour of birth (lunar calendar).