The exclusive advantages of Mingtong

(1) Adopt the most scientific naming solution and independent intellectual property rights, so that everyone can have a perfect auspicious name.

(2) Committed to the construction of standardization systems for the entire naming industry, the most famous ones are the "Standardization System for Name Measurement" and the "Standardized Calculation System for True Solar Time". Let the name test no longer have different opinions and there is no standard at all.

(3) Based on big data mining and research and development, China's first "Name Index" was jointly released with the world's largest parenting network "Baby Center" and, providing scientific guidance for naming.

(4) It has the most leading authoritative word database. Experts have conducted word-for-word arguments and authoritative appraisals on the strokes, pronunciation, meaning, and five-element attributes of difficult-to-name characters.

(5) The first brand enterprise in the country to promise "Nine Guarantees for Naming", providing the best pre-sales and after-sales services, so that every user can consume with confidence.

(6) Has an industry leader: Ms. Zhang Ruxin, the founder of NameTong, is a multi-disciplinary and cross-field expert who has made outstanding achievements in the media field. She is a columnist and has long-term in-depth knowledge of onomastics. Research. Served as a special guest for China Radio International's famous program "Flying Fish Show", Sina Micro Interview, and Tencent Micro Interview. Distinguished expert of Sina Zodiac "Master Lecture", Tencent Zodiac Numerology, the only name expert of the world's largest parenting network "Baby Center", and chief expert of BMW car owner training "Chinese Studies Lecture".