Soon, Wu Xiuzhu, a Red Army cadre, conveyed the spirit of Zunyi Conference to Pan Dongzi and his mother, which strengthened his courage and strength. The heroic sacrifice of Pan Dongzi's mother strengthened Pan Dongzi. Under the shining red star, Pan Dongzi took an active part in the struggle. He destroyed the suspension bridge in the battle, skillfully turned salt into water and gave it to the guerrillas, and also gave the information to the guerrillas. He bravely hacked Hu Hansan to death in his sleep, and effectively cooperated with the guerrillas' attack on Yaowan Town.
1938, the red army guerrillas in the south of the Yangtze River were ready to go to the front. Pan Dongzi put on a shining red star, joined the ranks of the Red Army and embarked on a new journey.
Extended data:
The film tells the story of Pan Dongzi, a young hero who grew up in a difficult environment from 1930 to 1939.
The drama centers on Pan Dongzi, a young hero who grew up in a difficult and difficult environment in the 1930s, arranging plots and setting contradictions, reflecting the process of the protagonist's gradual maturity with the education and help of the party and predecessors, and portraying his personality characteristics of clear love and hate, fearlessness, wit and courage, and simplicity.
The film uses film means to dye many scenes into profound artistic conception. For example, the red star on the Red Army hat symbolizes revolution and hope, and places the young hero's yearning for the father of the Red Army and his belief in following the revolution. The film has a strong lyrical atmosphere, fresh and dignified. The interlude in the film has a high-spirited style and distinct rhythm, which effectively sets off the theme of the film.