Cute French names for girls

What are some nice French and English names for girls? French name: Hélène viviane Claire Leane Clémentine Caroline Catherine; Hope, light Christine: Christine; Lovely and innocent Jacqueline: Jacqueline; Fantasy English name: ABIGALE was originally an ancient Hebrew name, meaning original joy or The root of joy. In Chapter 25 of 1 Samuel, the Bible tells the story of an early man named Abigale. In this story, she is a smart and beautiful woman. She has extraordinary intelligence and strategy. Thus, she later became the wife of King David of Israel. ADELINE Adelaide is written in English. Adeline is portrayed as an old-fashioned, bad-tempered girl who is overly polite but defiant. AILSA is Old German, meaning happy girl. AIMEE comes from French and means lovely person. ALICE (Greek) truth; (Old German) aristocracy. Most people think of Alice as Alice in Wonderland - a young dreamer who loves fun and has an unfettered soul. Some people think she is a proud old woman. ALINA Alina, Old German, means "noble". ALLISON Gaelic, tiny, true; Old German, famous among the gods. It is reminiscent of a beautiful and flawless woman, smart and considerate. ANGELIA (Greek) angel, messenger. Angelia is described as a beautiful, petite woman who either has a sweet and gentle personality or is a lively and reckless girl. . AMANDA (Latin name) has its root meaning love. AMANDA means lovely person. She was considered conservatively beautiful and slender, sweet and wealthy. ANNE is a kind, elegant girl who likes to help others. Many queens and princesses of the royal family have this name or ANNIE, and many civilians also like this name. ANN (Hebrew) elegance, the English form of HANNAH. The name ANN reminds people of an ordinary, middle-class woman who is kind, down-to-earth, diligent, and honest. AMY is Latin for beloved. AMY gives people the impression of being an exquisite, slender girl with quiet, calm, cultured and elegant qualities. ANASTASIA Do you recognize it? It's the original English title of Fox's new film Princess. Derived from the Greek word resurrection, the name is therefore suitable for those born around Easter. Early Christians often used it to name girls who had just been baptized, which meant they had gained new life. Because this name contains more religious elements, it has been widely spread in Ireland and the United States. It's called STACEY. ANDREA (Latin) feminine. ANDREA is described as a mature and healthy woman who may be smart or clumsy, soft-spoken or painfully serious. Generally speaking, ANDREA is admirable. ANGELA (Greek) means angel, the one who delivers messages. ANGELA has been described as a beautiful, slender woman, gentle and lovely or an energetic but reckless girl. ANITA Anita is the Spanish way of writing Ann. People think that the name Anita is very suitable for a petite, beautiful, middle-class woman with a pleasant personality, smart, lovable, and full of fun. APRIL (Latin) means beginning. When people hear APRIL, they imagine a graceful girl, sweet and energetic. ASHLEY Coming from the woods of Q, ASHLEY is described as a beautiful professional woman, shy, friendly, with correct values ??and tastes. She likes to be accompanied by cats and puppies, and wears long dresses and plays the piano. AVIVA (Hebrew) is the same as Avivahc and Avivi. It means beautiful spring.

BONNIE (Scottish) means beautiful. The name BONNIE reminds people of beauty... >>

Looking for a nice French name for a girl A

Adriana Adriana (ā dé lǐ yà nà )

Alexandra Alexandra (Yà lì shān dé lā )

Alice Alice (Aì lì sī )

Alizée Aì lì jié (Aì lì jié )

Amanda Amanda (ā màn dá )

Amélie Amélie (ā méi lí )

Andréa Andréa 亚(ān dé lì yǎ)

Anna Anna(ān nà)

Annie Annie(ān nī)

Ariana ARIANA(Aì lí ān nà)

Aude Aò dé


Béatrice Beatrice (Bèi ā té lí sī )


Camille Camille (Kǎ mǐ yē )

Carine Carine (Kǎ lín )

Cathie Kaiti (Kǎi tí )

Cécile Sài xī er (Sài xī er)

Cécilia Cecilia (Sè xī lì yà)

Chanel Chanel (Xià nài ěr)

Charlotte Charlotte (Xià lǜ dì )

Claire Claire (Kè lái er)

Claudia Claudia (Kè láo dí yà )

D < /p>

Dorothée Dorothée (Duō luō tài)


Elisa Aì lí shā (Aì lí shā)

Elodie Elodie ( Aì luò dì )

Elsa Elsa (Aì ěr shā )

Emilie Emily (Aì mǐ lì )

Emma Emma (Aì mǎ )

Eva Yī wá


Fanny Fanny (Fàn nī )

Flore Fú luò r)


Hélèna Yī lián nà (Yī lián nà)

Hélène Yī lián (Yī lián)



Inès Yī nèi sī

Ingrid Yīng gé lí

Isabelle Yī sà bèi


Jade Jade (Jiǎ dé)

Jennifer Jennifer (Zhēn ní fú)

Julia Julia (Zhū lì yǎ)

Julie Zhuli (Zhū lì)

Justine Justin (Jú sī tīng)


Laetitia Leticia (Lái tí xī yǎ )

Lara Laha (Lā hā )


Laura Laura (Láo lā)

Laure Lao He (Láo hé)

Léa Liya (Lì yǎ)

Lila Lila (Lì lā )

Line 林(Lín )

Lisa Lisa (Lì shā )

Lise 丽丝(Lí sī )

Loanne Lao An (Láo ān )

Lolita Lolita (Luò lí tǎ )

Lorie Lao Li (Láo lí )

Louise Louise (Lù yì sī )

Lucie Lucy (Lù xī )

Lucile Lucile (Lù xī er)


Magalie Mai Geli (Mài gé lì)

Maria Maria (Mǎ lì yǎ)

Mariana Mariana (Mǎ lì ān nà)

Marine Marlene (Mǎ lín )

Marion Marion (Mǎ lì áng )

Mélodie Mélodie (Méi luò dí )

Monica Monica (Mò nī kǎ )

Mylène Milian (Mǐ lián )



Looking for nice and unique French names for girls . . . French names corresponding to birthdays~

In France, there is a corresponding name of a god for every day of the year, 365 days a year. Many people give themselves French names based on this.

You can find your name based on your date of birth~!

JANVIER (January)

1 JOUR de l'AN 2 Basile 3 Geneviève 4 Odilon 5 Edouard

6 Epiphanie 7 Raymond 8 Lucien 9 Alix 10 Guillaume

11 Paulin 12 Tatiana 13 Yvette 14 Nina 15 Rémi

16 Marcel 17 Roseline 18 Prisca 19 Marius 20 Sébastien

21 Agnès 22 Vincent 23 Barnard 24 Fran? ois 25 Paul

26 Pauline 27 Angèle 28 Thomas 29 Gildas 30 Martine

31 Marcelle

FEVRIER (February)

1 Ella 2 Théophane 3 Blaise 4 Véronique 5 Agathe

6 Gaston 7 Eugénie 8 Jacqueline 9 Appoline 10 Arnaud

11 Lourdes 12 Félix 13 Béatrice 14 Valentin 15 Claude

16 Julienne 17 Alexis 18 Bernadette 19 Gabin 20 Aimée

21 Damien 22 Isabelle 23 Lazare 24 Modeste 25 Roméo

26 Nestor 27 Honorine 28 Mardi-Gras 29 Auguste

MARS (March)

1 Cendres 2 Charles 3 Guénolé 4 Casimir 5 Olive

6 Colette 7 Félicité 8 Jean 9 Fran?oise 10 Vivien

11 Rosine ......>>

Are there any French names for girls that are nice and meaningful? ALINA is an old German name that means noble. CHRISTY Abbreviation for CHRISTINE. CHRISTY BRINKLEY is the representative of this name, a cute, young, kind-hearted blond girl, funny and popular. Daughter of the hero INGRID (Sigandraviya). People associate INGRID with a blond Scandinavian woman, smart, passionate,...

Looking for a nice French name for a girl: ALINA Alina, Old German, meaning noble.

CHRISTY Abbreviation for CHRISTINE. CHRISTY BRINKLEY is the representative of this name, a cute, young, kind-hearted blond girl, funny and popular.

Daughter of the hero INGRID (Sigandraviya). People associate INGRID with a blond Sri Lankan Ravia woman who is smart, passionate and hard-working.

JENNIFER (Wells) is pure, beautiful and Guinevere. Jennifer has become a popular name recently. (Some people think it's too popular.) People think the name Jennifer is perfect for a cute blonde cheerleader who is popular and well-liked by everyone.

NICOLE (Greece) means victorious people, a female name derived from NICHOLAS. People describe NICOLE as a Chinese doll, which means a petite, beautiful young girl, sweet and romantic, but easily broken.

YOLANDA (Spanish) violet. YOLAN FaA gives people the impression of a girl with elegant temperament, who can be still and moveable. She looks weak, but has a temperament that cannot be blasphemed.

Looking for a nice French name. The girl's Melodie is the name of the beautiful girl in our class

I want to choose a nice French name for girls Andrea Andrea... bold, beautiful and elegant

Touch eryl Belle Son...Emerald Lucky

Celeste Salister...the happiest person in heaven

Daphne Daphne...laurel laurel crown Apollo's favorite

Isaebella Isabella

Vanessa Vanessa

Sahna(Sahana,Sana) Shanna

Alisa(Alyssa,Alysia) Alisa

Alula 爱鲁拉

Melina Marina

Mira Mira

Monica Monica

Larina La Lina

What are the French names for girls? Catherina Katerina (Kǎi tè lín nà) Catherine Katelyn (Kǎi tè lín) Félicie Felice (Fēi lì sī) Irina Irina (Yī lì nà) Lilou Li Lu (Lì lù) Melissa Melissa (Méi lì) shā) Virginie (Wéi jí nī) Yveline (Yī wēi lín) Soleil (sū lěi), these are all very good! If you are not satisfied, you can go to to find it!

I’m begging for a nice French girl’s name. . Generally speaking, the pronunciation of your first name should be similar to your own. If you have a surname, you don’t need to change it. You give me your name and I will give it to you and then tell you its meaning.

Looking for a nice French name for a girl~ Abby, petite and cute Ailsa, happy Aimee, cute ANGELA, beautiful, slender, gentle and courageous, or energetic but reckless girl.

BEATA (Latin name) the happiest person. CARINA, my dear little thing, CAROL, is feminine

CINDYCINDERELLA, short for CYNTHIA, LUCINDA. CINDY is known as the queen of all American teenagers, a sweet, attractive blond girl, energetic and healthy, but not very smart. DAISY (Old English) Daisy. A sweet and lovely blonde girl from the forest.

ESTHER (Persia) means star. The name ESTHER gives people two impressions: one is a stubborn and old-fashioned woman who holds power in the family, and the other is a beautiful woman, sweet and quiet. EUDORA Latin name means happy gift.

GINA is Angelina, the abbreviation of Regina. Gina gives people two impressions: one is a petite, beautiful black-haired Italian woman who is pampered

The other is an ordinary, round and funny woman.

The Latin name LAURA means "Tree of the Bay". In fact it is the female form of LAWRENCE. People say that LAURA is a beautiful woman with blond hair and blue eyes, classic temperament and sweet personality.

Russian form of NATASHANATALIE.

NATASHA is described as a chocolate-skinned, beautiful, exotic and mysterious woman who is extremely egotistical.