2. Confucius said, "Knowing is not as good as being kind, and being kind is not as good as being happy." Do you want to live contentedly? Peaceful, sensitive? Cautious? , is there any way? To be honest, I can say that I am eager to learn. "The Analects of Confucius, learn? 》
3. Xia Zi said: "To be an official, you must learn. If you learn, you will be an official." Confucius said, "Old people are safe, friends believe, and young people are pregnant." Xia Zi said: "If there is still room for being an official, you should study. If there is still room for study, you should go into politics. "
4. study? Be loyal to it, not to mention? Do you have friends? Is it far? Come on, what an honor? ? I don't know. Don't worry. What about you? Huh? "The Analects of Confucius, what to learn?" , rarely lose money. Restrain yourself with courtesy, and fewer people will make mistakes again.
5, rhetoric, chaos. A small oversight can lead to great disaster. "Life is straightforward, but life does not help. Fortunately, they are free. Because of your unremitting efforts, you can do things effortlessly today. If you can't serve people, how can you serve ghosts?
6, big question! Ritual is not so much luxury as frugality, rather than lightness. Review the past and learn the new, and you can be a teacher. A threesome requires a teacher. Choose the good and follow it, change the bad.
7, the gentleman is Huaide, and the villain is pregnant with the soil; A gentleman is guilty of punishment, but a villain is guilty of profit. Ren, for example, is a mountain, and it didn't work. A person's real knowledge lies in knowing what he knows and what he doesn't know.
8, don't be swayed by considerations of gain and loss, don't be ignorant of people. Scholars can't help becoming Hongyi, they still have a long way to go. Ren doesn't think it will be too heavy, does it? Not far from death?
9, the knower is not confused, the benevolent is not worried, the brave is not afraid, the gentleman seeks himself, see no evil, don't listen to evil, don't say evil, don't move if you are evil. Yan Yuan is a gentleman, while Ri Zhang is a villain.
10, self-restraint, I have never been ignorant, taking Tao as the purpose, relying on morality, relying on benevolence, and wandering in art, "no anger, no anger, no anger." If an angle is not reversed by three angles, there will be no more.