The best way to protect your own energy field
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The deluded person makes the journey | The enlightened person makes the journey by himself
The energy field can protect you from "attacking" or invading your energy from other people's energy. body, mind, and spirit.
Human beings not only have a body that is visible to the naked eye, but the energy field surrounding the body is also a very important part of human beings. We call it the spiritual body and the etheric body. body ) or psychic body/energy field ( aura ).
Energy Interaction between
All information is one of the forms of energy existence.
In our human living space, around us, in the air, and in the entire universe, there is full of electromagnetic information, such as television, telephone, wireless broadcast, telegraph, and remote control. The electrical, magnetic, light, consciousness and other signals emitted by the computer and all other electrical and magnetic equipment fill all space.
These signals or information are all forms or carriers of energy.
These invisible energies have their own inner meaning, that is, inner consciousness.
People can send out energy signals through language, expressions and thoughts, and they can also receive energy signals from language, expressions and thoughts through the functions of the body.
The reason is also very simple. People are both transmitters and receivers of these signals.
Language, expression and thinking, as a kind of information or signal, will directly affect the energy status of the sender and the receiver when spread out.
If a person sends or receives positive energy signals, he will obtain more positive energy in life;
If the energy signal sent or received is negative, then the positive energy of life will be lost.
When a person is replenished with positive energy, there is increased vitality and increased energy.
When a person suffers a loss of positive energy or absorbs negative energy, his vitality and energy will be reduced.
The reason is very simple. This is because energy (positive energy of life) is the source of human life.
It can be seen that in the world of life energy, human behavior, language, expressions, thinking and other factors have the magical power to affect energy status.
Positive behaviors, words, expressions and thoughts turn on positive feelings and emotions.
Negative behaviors, words, expressions, and thoughts turn on negative feelings and emotions.
If you have a large aura, you will feel drained and tired when you are with someone who has a lower vibration. You also need to be with people who have a pure aura. They will clean up your aura.
The state of the energy field
The aura of the human body is like an invisible shield surrounding the body. A pure aura presents a huge light surrounding the body;
If you have an unresolved problem, this aura will be stained;
And for people who are sick or frightened, The aura will be very weak or even non-existent, while the aura of a very negative person will be black.
The energy field can protect yourself from energy attacks or intrusions from other people into your body, mind, emotions and spiritual body.
It is like a force field that protects you when you are in lower vibrations and energies that are not good for you.
It also helps to control your own emotions, thoughts and traumatic experiences and prevent them from invading the space of those around you.
However, energy can create a fragile aura through damage and damage from psychological attacks, drugs, alcohol use, bad emotions, trauma and illness.
If the aura is compromised, the person will become susceptible to negative energy or may unknowingly pass on their negative energy to others.
Failure to be aware of this situation for a long time can lead to mental and emotional breakdown, and ultimately affect physical health.
Methods of protecting energy fields
** 1. ****Learn to close the energy field**
When excessive fatigue or excessive energy loss occurs, we unconsciously over-open our energy field. , and this is a loss of awareness of one's own self-centeredness and thoughts about oneself, and excessive attention to the other party's thoughts or emotions during interactions, as well as the reaction to one's own words.
When we pay too much attention to others, we will be energetically over-exposed to external information because we need this information feedback.
You can close your eyes, take three deep breaths, and then visualize your energy field forming a sphere. Each breath will attribute the excessive energy to the scope of this sphere. , and feel the boundaries of the ball become clear and elastic, and say to yourself: I will maintain the center of self-awareness in my interactions.
2. Do simple visualization protection
You know in advance that you are going to interact with an "uncomfortable" person , or when entering a noisy energy field full of various impacts, you can visualize an energy protective shield for yourself in advance.
Generally, you only need to imagine that you are enveloped in a ball of light. Gold and white are the two most commonly used lights. Gold brings very powerful protection. And white brings overall purification.
There are some colors suitable for specific situations: blue can help stabilize your mood and "cool down" the restless energy field;
Green can help you speed up the flow and release of emotions (especially suppressed emotions) in the field;
Purple can bring you higher-level blessings and extremely transformative effects.
After you have visualized, just say to yourself: **Now I will continue to be protected by the light until I return home again. **
It is important to set a time limit for your visualization, which can direct your energy to run during the time when it is needed most.
3. Work with your guardian angel and guide
Everyone has his own guardian angel, and everyone has his own guide. Maybe you don’t know their names or images, but you can feel their support and love for you.
If you have a good connection or confidence with your guide or guardian angel, you can invite them to help you with energy protection.
You can invite them mentally: I invite my guardian angels and guides to help me maintain the integrity and balance of my energy field during my activities today.
Then you can visualize yourself being surrounded by angel wings, your heart is full of security, and when you feel uncomfortable, call them in time to help you balance you energy field.
4. Cooperate with nature and spirits
If you have special feelings about nature, trees, animals, crystals, etc. You can also call them to help you adjust and protect your energy field.
But this method requires you to be more acutely aware of your situation and needs, so that you know what plants/animals or ore spirits you can call to help balance your energy field.
Generally, visualize gemstones with specific effects placed in their corresponding energy fields to perform corresponding energy work. For example: when you feel the need for nourishment, visualize the moonstone. Place in the energy field; call upon the Jaguar and the Eagle when strength and courage are needed.
5. Use the power of mantras and mantras
Ancient mantras and mantras correspond to incredible magical energy. You can find a mantra or mantra that resonates most with you. When you relax and recite it completely, visualize the energy of the mantra and mantra to cleanse and purify your energy. field and surround your entire energy field.
6. Use physical tools for energy protection
If possible, you can use candles, singing bowls, and rat tails Grass, energy spray, crystals, or some salt water for energy field cleansing and protection.
Although this method is limited by conditions, it is also the simplest and most direct, and is suitable for people who have difficulty with visualization.
Methods to purify the energy field
1. Purification of the four elements
Earth, water, fire, and wind are good purifiers. Walking barefoot on the green grass will allow your negative energy to flow down through your feet into the earth, where Mother Earth will purify them;
Being outside in the breeze will clear your mind and bring you back to life;
Swimming - especially Being in the salt water of the ocean will cleanse your aura. If you don't have access to the ocean, put sea salt in your bathtub water.
Fire may be the most powerful purifier of all things. Burning old photos, letters and belongings can transform the negativity retained in the memory and change the environment around you. Spiritual energy.
2. Watch your thoughts and words
Always act with integrity.
Stay with the pure. Write down and burn your guilt, hurt, and anger.
Forgive yourself and everyone for everything. Run your fingers over your body to tease out your aura.
Exercise regularly, preferably in a green space or by the sea. Ask the Angels and Ascended Masters to cleanse you.
Surround you with violet flames. Ask your Higher Self to cleanse your day by burning a violet flame in front of you.
Before going to bed at night, ask the spirits to visit Archangel Gabriel’s retreat on Mount Shasts to be cleansed.
3. Purify your home
Clean and organize your personal space. Open windows to let in pure air. Watch less TV and unplug electricity when not in use.
Plants, especially ferns and spider plants, transform heavy spiritual energy. Fill your home with spiritual books, pictures and colors. Sing or chant sacred music.
Purify every room with incense. Meditate and call angels and higher beings to your home. Your home will radiate golden light and become a paradise of love.
4. Purify the planet
Imagine light Pictures of love flowing along the network of ley lines beneath the earth's surface. Picture high frequency light and love flowing along new networks on the surface of the Earth.
Close your eyes and ask for a white pillar of light from God to come down through the universe and through you to the center of the earth. Imagine the pillar of light expanding and ask for anyone to be touched by it. Everything you come into will be filled and protected by the Divine Spirit. As you do this be aware that you are filling the world with the light of Christ and know that you are preparing our planet for the coming of Christ consciousness.
There are many ways to protect energy. The core points are: We do not protect ourselves based on fear. When we rest in peace and joy in our hearts, we are the best. Conservation of nature.
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