It is said that Tong Pi, the person who discovered this medicine, remembered that Wang Mang and Wang Lang had been to the place where this medicine was discovered, so he got the name.
Wang Lang led his troops to hunt down the master Liu Xiu, and came to Tong Pi's hometown at dusk, threatening that their master was a true descendant of the Han Dynasty, and Liu Xiu was a bastard who pretended to be the Han Dynasty. He asked the people to send them food and vegetables, and asked the villagers to make room for them to live in. The old people in this village know that they are traitors who bring trouble to the world, so they don't pick on them.
When it was dark, Wang Lang saw that Bai Shi still didn't deliver the food, and he couldn't help but get angry. He took people into the village to urge them, and went all over the village, and every family closed their doors, without a wisp of full smoke. Wang Lang was so angry that he threatened to crush the village and kill it all. At this time, when he joined the army to remonstrate, he said, "There are green tents here, trees and grass are growing, and farmers are hiding in the dark. Where can we find them?"
Besides, even if the village of Shihui is flattened, it won't solve the hunger of the soldiers. It's better to leave here quickly. "If you settle down, you can save your strength and kill Liu Xiu." Hearing this, Wang Lang gave orders to leave the village.
Tong Pi thought of this period of history, so he named the herb "Wang Liu Hang", which means that Wang Mang and Wang Lang are not allowed to stay in this village, so that people can remember the truth that "people get the best of the world".
Extended information:
In Compendium of Materia Medica, Li Shizhen said: "Wang Liuxing can separate blood, which is the medicine of Yangming's chong Ren. There is a saying that' pangolin, the king does not leave, and the woman has taken a long stream of milk', which shows that her sex is not living. " Wang Liuliu has a long history of being used as medicine. Since the Western Jin Dynasty, people have used it and used it as a good medicine to heal the wounded and rescue the dying in ancient battlefields. In this regard, there are two legends.
One of the legends is that Zuo Si, a writer in the Western Jin Dynasty, gave birth to her eldest daughter Hui Fang shortly after her marriage. Unexpectedly, the wife's postpartum milk was not enough, and the baby was so hungry that Zuo Si and his wife were very anxious. When Zuo Si went out to seek a good prescription for lactation, he suddenly heard a beautiful and beautiful local song: "Pangolin, Vaccaria, does a woman have a long stream of milk after taking it?" .
Zuo Si hurried to the mountain to look around. When he saw that the singer was a village doctor, he went forward to ask the doctor clearly. Langzhong explained that these two medicines are the secret recipe of lactation left by his grandfather, and it is very effective for those who have no milk to take them. Zuo Si immediately asked the doctor to make medicine for his wife. Soon after Mrs. Zuo took it, it really worked and solved the baby famine.
Therefore, Zuo Si wrote a poem that Wang Liuxing cured breast failure: "Don't listen to me when you give birth to breast milk, and you don't need to fry it. It is finely ground into a sweet wine suit, and it is smooth as Jing Quan. "
Legend 2: At the end of the Sui Dynasty, Li Shimin and Yang Guang fought a cruel decisive battle under the Taihang Mountain, and both sides suffered heavy casualties because they were evenly matched. Getting the wounded back to the battlefield as soon as possible has become the key to the victory or defeat of the war.
Li Shimin was at a loss for countermeasures. Just then, a farmer named Wu Xing asked for an audience with a bundle of weeds, saying that the weeds had special effects on the treatment of knife and gun injuries, and Li Shimin was skeptical. Wu Xing took the seeds of weeds, ground them and sprinkled them on a soldier's wound. After an hour, the soldier's pain was greatly reduced.
Li Shimin was overjoyed and ordered soldiers to collect this herb in the field and do the same thing. After three days, most of the wounded soldiers recovered, and Tang Jun's military power was greatly enhanced. However, in order not to let the enemy get this prescription, Li Shimin ordered the news to be blocked and quietly killed Wu Xing.
When Li Shimin finally ascended the throne, he gave this weed a name permeated with Wu Xing's blood-Wang Liu Bu Xing, which means that the king can't leave Wu Xing.
Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia-Wang Liubuhang