Zheng Yun'er
An old saying goes, "If the name is not right, the words will not be right, which shows the importance of the name.
When naming, you should avoid names whose pronunciation is similar to the pronunciation of derogatory words. , this kind of bad homophony will affect the quality of the name and other people's good perception of the name. The quality of the name depends on whether there is bad homophony, which will change the meaning of the name, or give rise to some unpleasant appearances. The name has an impact on the temperament and image of the baby or the company. In our daily life, there are always one or two names that will cause some troubles and troubles in life due to the homophony of the name. Trouble will often be given a bad nickname by others, which will make them funny, so parents must read more and listen more when choosing names, and avoid homophonic words.