Who knows the names of all small breeds of pet dogs?

For reference, there are more than 1400 dog breeds in the world, of which more than 500 are classified and there are about 450 existing dog breeds. There are about 240 famous dogs in the world. Common ones are: Japanese jumping dog Yue Se, Pomeranian, Akita, American Dogel, boeing da Afghan hound, Lhasa poodle, German Shepherd, English Setter, Great Dane, Butterfly, Afghan hound, Bassett hound, bloodhound, Norwegian Mitty Foxtrot, Irish Wolfhound, Shark Dog and English Dogel Dog. Beagle, Scottish Shepherd, italian greyhound, Dachshund, Lingti, Bassinger, Beagle, Russian Shepherd, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Huibitt, Dandy, Dimont Chinger, Portuguese Shuizi, springer, Ibizan, boeing da, Italian Braque, Golden Retriever, Short Foot. American terrier, English terrier-Baggie, wiesel, Weimar retriever, cocker spaniel, Setter, Irish Setter, English Setter, General Terrier, Belindang Terrier, Bulldog, An Kai Terrier, Short-legged Terrier and Long-legged Terrier, Fox Hunting, Boston Terrier, Jack Lassire Terrier, Kelly Blue Terrier, manchester terrier. White terrier than bear, Boston terrier, bulldog, Song Shiquan Malt Dog, bull mastiff, German short-haired Samoyed Dog, Dutch Maoshi Dog, Sipakai Dog, Sha Pigou Tibetan Mastiff, Bin Dog, Meshala Dog, Hungarian Boli Dog, Akita Dog, Alaskan Sled Dog, Cattle Dog, Australia. Berne Mountain Dog, Flanders Shepherd Dog, Boxer Dog, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Bearded Shepherd Dog, Coarse-haired Shepherd Dog, German Doberman, German Shepherd Dog, Classical English Shepherd Dog, Giant Dane Dog, Mastiff Dog, Newfoundland Dog, Flanders Cattle Dog, Great White Bear, Rottweiler Dog, Samoyed Dog, Shetland Shepherd Dog, Siberian Sled Dog. Ke Jiquan, Chihuahua, King Charles, Beagle, Sha Pigou, chinese crested, Butterfly, Mini Doberman, Maltese, Japanese Bell, Japanese Foxtrot, English cocker spaniel, Japanese roebuck, Charlie, Shetland Shepherd, Yorkshire, Shih Tzu, Pug and Pomeranian. Guard dogs, Lhasa poodle-Shiba, boutique dogs, Milu dogs, yellow dogs, poodles, German shepherds, Mestalla dogs, Golden retriever, Du Binquan Standard, Whippet, dachshund, shark dog, Lingti, chinese crested, Chihuahua, dachshund and other local dogs. Du Binquan Pingshe Dog Sha Pigou Labrador Poodle Indymaz Dog Wolfhound Boxer Rottweiler Pomeranian Dog Saint Bernard dachshund Yorkshire Lassa Canine Kabahahusky Xishi Gao Xi Metro Lia Boston Dog and other working dogs: Dobbin Spring | Husky | Boxer Dog | Great Dane | Saint Bernard | Samoan Sports Dog: Golden Retriever | English Cocker Dog | Labrador | Spenger | boeing da | Breton. Lingti | Bagido | Bloodhound Terrier: Universal Terrier | Bull Terrier | Bristle Fox Terrier | Lake Terrier | Rottweiler Terrier | Scottish Terrier Toy Dog: Shih Tzu Dog | Beijing Ba Dog | Chihuahua Dog | Pomeranian Dog | Pug Dog | Butterfly Dog Oh, there will be a feeling of drowning! Shepherd: German Shepherd | Shetland Shepherd | Border Shepherd | Old England Shepherd | Belgian Shepherd Non-sports Dog: Song Shiquan | Poodle | Sharpay | Bulldog | Dalmatian Dog | Bixiong