The original text and translation of Wang Bo's cockfighting call are as follows:
Gai Wen Pleiades is famous in Liesu, and Yun is favored by Yang De. Climbing to the sky and looking down at Zhongfu is actually the only way to get Hanyin. Oh, when the calendar is dark and bright, it can wake up my dream soul; when it is windy and rainy, when it is glued, it can best increase people's feelings and thoughts. Under the ancestral window, they were happily chatting; in front of the ancestral bed, they were dancing. The shape of the shape is used as a bow, and the dynasty has someone who announces the dawn; the shape of the shape is used as a crown, and the holy sect calls it a brave person.
The Qin Guan sings early in the morning to celebrate the safety of the young master; When doubts are resolved, divination is recommended; when pardon is granted, it is placed on a pole. Attached to Liu An's house, he climbed up and became a fairy. Looking down from Song Qing's nest, he often accompanied his children. Only a virtuous bird is indeed an extraordinary bird. Wen Ding is strong enough in martial arts, and the five virtues are popular in Tianrao; the female dominates the male king, and the two treasures are auspicious to the Ying family.
Mai Zhongshou said blessings, and his incarnation was changed to Zhu Zhu. The flies are so evil that they can confuse their voices, but the crickets can steal their calls. Even if you can fly continuously with great momentum, why should you worry about cutting off your tail? The distance between the body and the body is golden, and the invitation to glory has reached its peak; the wings are relaxed and the claws are vigorous, going to fight and ridiculing? Although Ji Zhi is still my doctor, Zhen Jie hides like an enemy country. Two heroes cannot bear to stand side by side. How dare they be so presumptuous as to peck each other? Cultivate yourself when you are resting, and work hard when you are calling. Looking at it is like a tree, and the toes are raised and the ambition is raised; responding to it is like a god, without realizing that the waist is high and the head is lowered.
In the village or shop, attack anyone who is different from you; be a stork or a goose, and compete with those of the same kind. The talented person is brave and has the power to restrain the owl. No matter how many people are divided, I swear that no hair will be plucked out; that is, the strong and weak are different from each other, but I believe that one has the unique beak. When you come with your head held high, you stand tall and victorious; when you fly forward with your wings, it's like a roc. If you fight, you can use it to confiscate the public food; if the jian is lowered slightly, it is better to allow the thieves to cry.
It is not necessary to order the cook, it is like a soul flying into the water. When Yu Shu arrives quickly, he is surprised to hear the sound of geese and ducks; after a bloody battle, he quickly sees the chase of eagles and falcons. The chicken curtains in Yanxi are delicious and not ashamed to be eaten; there is a chicken stele on the tree, and the ribs will be tasted without discarding them. If he violates the order of chicken stuffing, he will be punished by standing upright in chicken square. If a female stalks her home in the morning, she will be punished, which is no longer the same as a pig; if a female crouches and becomes a scumbag, she will be killed, and she will definitely be cut with an ox's knife. This statement.
Rooster, in the sky, he is famous as the Lord of the Sun in the Twenty-Eight Constellations, and is loved by the Sun God. In the human world, you can communicate with gods and show signs of the rise and fall of a country's fortunes. At dawn, the rooster crows, waking people up from their dreams. On windy and rainy days, the sound of glue and glue makes people feel homesick. The crowing rooster under the window of Chu Zong of the Song Dynasty allowed him to have a heart-warming conversation. The rooster in front of Zu Mi’s bed woke him up to dance with his sword and practice martial arts. The person wearing a chicken hat dressed in the shape of a chicken is the official of the imperial court who tells the time. The person who uses a chicken comb-shaped helmet as a hat is Zi Lu, a disciple of the sage Confucius.
Night at Hangu Pass in the State of Qin The crow of chickens made Mengchang Jun leave the country safely, and the sound of chickens in the homes of Qi people made people aware of the prosperity of Qi. When there were questions, people used chickens for divination, and when there was amnesty, people put golden roosters on long poles. The chicken in the house of Liu An, the king of Huainan, followed Liu An and ascended to heaven. The child in the chicken coop in the beam of Song Qing's house was his ancestor whose age he couldn't tell. Chicken, you are a highly virtuous bird, and you are by no means comparable to ordinary birds. Your literature has a phoenix crown, your military has sharp claws, and your five virtues are revealed to the people of the country with the help of Tian Rao.
The female can rule the hegemony and the male can rule the king. Your auspicious aura is presented to the King of Qin with the help of the two treasures. Zhu Jiweng, who worked hard to raise you and named you, gave you the name Zhu Zhu. Flies will no longer be of the same kind as you, and snails and wasps will no longer be able to steal your good reputation. Looking at the momentum of your continuous attacks and leaps, are you worried about cutting off your tail to escape the duel? You are covered in armor, and your feet are armed with golden hooks. Your equipment is extremely good. Spread your wings and raise your claws. Go. Fight other chickens.
Ji Pingzi and Qiu Zhaobo have become your ministers at this time, and you are as majestic as a king standing on the fighting pole. When two males fight, a winner must be decided, so how can one boast of a victory in a single peck? Good character is developed through daily training, and the real power is shown in the shouting battle. At first, you looked like a piece of wood and unresponsive, but at the critical moment, you were holding your iron claws across the board and your mind was high. When challenged, its reactions are agile and unpredictable. During the charge, it can't help but raise its tail high and bow its head to attack directly.
Whether you are in the village or in the store, you will attack your opponents when you encounter them. No matter you are born as a crane or a goose, you must stand proudly among the others. Repelling the opponent's attacks with his brave and aggressive nature.
Even if there is a huge disparity in strength, I still have the courage to fight. Even if the situation is unfavorable, I will fight to the end (with my sharp beak). After a great victory, hold your head high and spread your wings like a roc.
The flesh torn from the opponent's body during the fight has become the delicacy in your mouth. How can you allow the loser to have room to scream privately? There is no need to wait until it is delivered to the kitchen. Your iron mouth is no different. Boiling water and fire. The good news comes out quickly, and the geese and ducks exclaim for you. At the moment of victory, everyone is vying to see your eagle-like majesty. When issuing banners, you still only care about devouring others without being shy. When describing your achievements in beautiful words, you still put their tasteless parts in your mouth without spitting them out.
Chickens that do not fight hard are immediately taken to the chicken house for execution. Chickens that are as cowardly as a hen must be killed. Those who surrender on the battlefield should be killed. We cannot treat them with the same pity as other domestic animals. Their existence can only bring disaster to the family. A message is hereby issued.