Listen to the wind and rain, the water is exquisite, the water is exquisite, the heart is clear, the heart is clear, the eight sides are exquisite, the teeth are sharp, the mind is clever, the fairies are flying, the clouds are high, the ice cream is ice cream, the flowers are raining, the dew is scattered, the clock is full, the spirit is beautiful, the living beings are in ruins, the mind is clever, the man is stubborn, the spirit is stubborn, the soul is poisonous, and the wit moves. Blessings, souls, earthly spirits, outstanding people, negative energy, containing miraculous elixirs, spiritual hearts and wisdom of all things, Ludian’s aura, a bit of spiritual light, a spiritual aid, an all-in-one elixir, a living being, a snake pearl, a spiritual heart, wisdom teeth, sharp teeth, an all-in-one elixir, Tongzhen Dali, betrayed The soul is in the sky, the spirit is moving, the spirit is in the dark cave, the living beings are everywhere, the spiritual elixir of the Lu Lingguang Palace is the holy medicine
Informed and well-informed, the heart is clear and clear