1. Named based on the characteristics of the computer:
Based on the computer’s “fast computing power, sufficiently high calculation accuracy, super memory ability, complex logical judgment ability, and program-based "The ability to work automatically", many computer companies name them "Pentium", "Tengxun", "Tengxin" or use the two words in reverse, namely: "Pentium", "Xunteng", "Xinxin" Teng" and so on.
2. Naming after imitating the names of famous computer companies:
For example, imitating Microsoft, naming it "Neusoft", "Junsoft", "Yiruan", etc.; imitating Intel, naming "India" "Ter", "Penter", "Yiter", "Terjia", etc.
3. My suggestions:
According to the task sender’s comment on “simple and easy to remember, with a sense of technology, you can tell at a glance that you are a computer maker, and it is best to have a connotation of integrity” According to the requirements, the author has the following choices for the name of the company:
(1) Expanded combination
In addition, there are many words that can reflect the sense of high technology, such as "sensitive" ", "Yi", "Neng", "Jia", "Yue", "Sheng", etc.;
Words with the meaning of "integrity" also include: "True", "Loyalty" , "pure", etc.;
The characters (words) that can be imitated include "ruan", "ter (er)", "ge" (from "Google"), "think" (from "Lenovo") and so on;
Based on the above, more combinations can be made:
For example: "Xinruan", "Xinter", "Xingeer" , "Min Cheng", "Min Xiang", "Min Zhen", "Yi Xin", "Neng Te'er", etc.
(2) Homophone combinations
For example. The homophones of "Teng" include: Qi, Teng, etc.; the homophones of "Xun" include: Xun, Xun, Xun, etc.; the homophones of "Jie" include: Jie, Jie, etc.; the homophones of "Da" include: Answer, big, etc.; The homophones of "Xin" are: Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, etc.
It can also be named: "Tengxin", "Tengxin", "Jiexun". ", "Jie Xin", "Jie Cheng", "Jie Xin", etc.
(3) Basic combination:
The combination of "Teng" and "Xin": Such as "Tengxin", "Xinten", etc., but there are many companies with such names;
The combination of "Xun" and "Xin": such as "Xunxin", "Xinxun", etc. ;
The combination of "Jie" and "Xin": such as "Jie Xin", "Xin Jie", etc.;
The combination of "Da" and "Xin": such as "Da" "Xin", "Xinda", etc.;
The combination of "Teng" and "Cheng": such as "Tengcheng", "Chengteng", etc.;
"Xun" and "Xun" The combination of "Sincerity": such as "Xuncheng", "Chengxun", etc.;
The combination of "Jie" and "Sincerity": such as "Jiecheng", "Chengjie", etc.;
The combination of "da" and "cheng": such as "dacheng", "chengda", etc.;
Of course, if you think of a name with more than three words, you can also use it in "teng", "cheng" Choose a combination from the six words "Xun", "Jie", "Da", "Sincerity" and "Xin", such as: "Xunda Xin", "Teng Jie Dacheng", etc.
Say That’s it for now, but one point I have to repeat is: a good computer shop is directly related to the quality of your business, so please remember to give your shop a good name