19 17 March (Russian calendar February), when the first world war was in full swing, the second bourgeois-democratic revolution broke out in Russia-February Revolution. The February Revolution overthrew the Romanov Dynasty, which ruled Russia for more than 300 years, and ended the reactionary rule of the czar's autocratic system. During the uprising, a new revolutionary regime was established-Petrograd engineers represented the Soviet Union. However, the bourgeoisie stole the fruits of the victory of the revolution and set up an interim government, forming a situation in which two regimes coexist. The victory of the February Revolution created favorable conditions for the Russian proletariat to strive for socialism.
The development of Russian revolutionary movement after the outbreak of World War II1905-1907 After the failure of the Russian revolution, the reactionary forces were rampant and the revolution turned to a low ebb. However, the task of bourgeois-democratic revolution has not been removed from the agenda. 1In July, 907, the resolution of the third representative meeting of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party pointed out: "The basic reasons that determine the Russian revolution still exist: the domestic political system is extremely incompatible with the requirements of economic development, farmers go bankrupt, proletarian poverty deepens, and unemployment still exists. Therefore, the objective historical task of the revolution has not been solved, and the revolutionary forces have not been completely eliminated. "
On the eve of World War I, a new revolutionary climax appeared in Russia. The scale of the mass revolutionary struggle is close to 1905, and the organization and consciousness have been greatly improved. Workers' strike struggles in cities such as Petersburg and Moscow have occurred constantly and on a large scale. According to official figures, 725,000 people went on strike in 19 12 and 887,000 people went on strike in 19 13. The actual number of people on strike greatly exceeded the official figure. This mass revolutionary strike struggle directly opposes the czar's autocratic system. Because of the outbreak of World War I, the development of the revolutionary movement was temporarily suspended.