Hard seat: 2 1 1
Soft sleeper doesn't know
Train number, K3 16, K3 18. It should be noted that the parking time in Liuzhou is not very long. Stop at 1 platform. On the north (right-hand side) of the platform is a sleeping car, and on the south is a hard-seat car. Please go to the designated parking place in advance after entering the platform. If you are not sure, I can teach you, according to the opposite car number-there is usually a train to Guangzhou parked opposite. If it's a sleeper, you should go to the right. Maybe the car number of the opposite car will face K3 16, but it doesn't matter, just press the opposite number! When the car comes, it will align with the car next to it. As long as you count correctly, you are the first to get on the bus. )
The running time is about 30 hours, and it is generally not too late to Xi 'an.