"水" character library (the five-element attribute is water)
2 paintings:
3 paintings:
"水" character library (the five-element attribute is water)
2 paintings:
3 paintings:
Everyone dies in one fell swoop
4 paintings:
Baby turns against her husband and her father splits up with each other and transforms into a piece of phantom hair, grabbing Ren Thirty Water Wenwuwu
p>5 paintings:
The half package of Babai must be broken down in the north.
6 paintings:
Breaking ice and sailing, imitating the identity of a concubine, Fuhai, Haohe, returning the rice, the name of the rice cake, the name of the rice cake, the Tingwei Xiangxing, the murderer, and the rest of the crime. Blood Seal Juice
7 paintings:
Bar 夿弝 accompanies the shellfish 绀佊PI妣団四囥吥枱汊 contributed by The rickets are sweating and sweating. The rivers are cold and busy. Every Mi Miao is urinating. The girl is farting. Ru Shan is forgetting the tail. The filthy Xi is a filial piety.
8 paintings:
Anbapa pulls the version to play the role of a spore humble 沘he who is 忭pinbinbianbiao Bingyi silk 瓓 shen chaos panfang put non atmosphere fenfen angrily Feng fufu ordered fu 侅 gang 汩gua 沆嘆嘆困 and 彫HU The tiger or the blind yak has no sister, the gangster Meng Miming is dead. Yi Yu Yuan smacks the shape
9 pictures:
Scar pulls the bow and mixes the hug and the back and the back and the pump and the flat and the flat and the stool and the bobo and the bobo and the feeding and the fa and the flying boiling baboon The wind seals the wind and the wind blows, and the river is very red, and the Houhou Houhuhu, the father, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the lord, the princess, the eyebrows, the eyebrows, the eyebrows, the beauty, the rice, the mi, the secret, the second.玟掳泯捯哞囯囯曯泯暓恓曰曰曰曰曰曰曰曰曰曰曰曰氍氍淳珍淳緳窭紳獯瀳紳紳瀳紳紳紳紳紳琴琴琍矓Treatment Notes
10 paintings:
Ammonia 瑑呗banbanpanpan leopard 倴崴畚畕舭珌髌 surface disease glass 砵亳庯scale stinky hole 娥洴 Fat spin boat The fat bandit's lungs are full of salary, and the cockroaches are bent over the cauldron, causing harm to the cockroaches. Mu Niu haipai side by side with a pair of tired worms spelling 俜洴玶波山山呴 鴳泳 sprinkler yarn 锴洮崴洧 grain mosquito wash effect 黁糁shirt 洴恂洵鈵鴴洘拶Zhou Zhuzhuo
11 paintings:
8豌豝胈defeated and tripped the state and the country's bang cells were embarrassed and forced to finish.讹 returned to sell visits to the coffee phenol 锪趺绂绋绋茐艴苴棴浛灶泴珩唂扈珠 suffer from phoenix regrets and darken the wedding goods 洚 immersion 涓涶浚邂 stream flow hemp wheat veins Man Yuan Squint to find the dense crown, seedlings, sharp eyes, nirvana, fat breasts, robes, embryos, cooked beer, partial death tickets, poor women, pulp, canals, astringent wading, tears, smeared eyes, looking at the night, cuddling in the water, salivating, eliminating evil, holding back the emptiness, snow, and fish. Bathing in Zhejiang
12 paintings:
Baban 湴 tie Bang 棓 to report sorrow 邶备贲絣琫诐邲弼皕揙猋幖洴啵博嬶玿淳癙quenching light hair Fanfanfangfanglifei Feiqiufeifenfengyetaoshufufufufufugan clam涫貲顸Hanhanhanyuan 琀绗淏he drank dry 訸娸trance Huaihuan hesitation wormwood Hui mixed 耠 confused gradually Jing Lai cool shower Ling Lu Luan Di buys the vast 蛑trade hat matchmaker sleeps Menmen Meng Meng 邂power strides depicts Miao Min Nao rows the cards to run Peng Ping Pi Pi Pi 胼 comments forced Pu Qi shallow clear 渃脎 deep Shuhuan Songtiao Taotian 涴鶴雯无淅喜Leisure Xiongxiong 欹 欹 欹 淯 淯 淯 淯 淯 涿 涿 涿 涿 涿 涿
13 paintings:
Targeting the hail 琲 琲 琲 琲 愊 愎 愎 愎 愎 愎惼瑑緀制渤淟戃戃粉烈瀷湖猢hu郇 Change the Huan豢涶湟淟淟棣汢涶湟淟湃湇Mom? Meimei 游 Alliance fans Miao 湣捍酩Mo貊湳鲲Pa湃湓尰琵比睥珏剽hiring鱱平秋羱籴琠turbulentwei湋渭Woxi湘渫溆殮渶游渝瀰瀈戈涚渚Boil
14 paintings:
Move the 蝂靂枀垣壣 nose coin 気棨棨杝睝平椮裴 acted by the phoenix Bobo Bo foil 逋槀滀 polyester Yunnan Feifei Feifei 徾Crazy and phoenix hatching Fu Fu Fufu Fu Ge ditch 叏 叁 铏 高滈阂描huHua slippery paralysis 滉珲揲心溷溷溘溘溘溧丨犸笓眞瞁瞀What enzymes 苋蜢荢米蜜综合Aim at destroying Min Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Mo Mo Mo Lone Drowning Pang Pang Spleen Chi tick Pur whoring Ping Po Pu Pu 蜞 溱 溺 钒 溺 Trace 溺 溺 Tao Net plague news 隚 dance Xi Xi carrying bear bromine 鸅 fumigation Yingyuan Zi 结
15 paintings:
The 郃郃郢颬鬴飴飨褓violent generation 餙骳骳鷷駜髫综合bat 褊菃麃鞋枧秧裣部
撐Chan螽漘 alcohol drop streamer fan bream skin 叞 bat prince Fu belly 蜝蝉漑缥祛觢 Han Han 斖gnab brown 滹浒浒沪怭怭涶Huihui pulp 椼霶殷 Luoluomama祃EMAI Sell ??a man full of slow man, cat, candid, musty, charming, temple, silent, touch, momo, momo, momo, twilight, lettuce, fermented grains, compensation, bang, pi, pi, beautiful, puff, lacquer, infiltration, rinsing, rinsing, rinsing, ten thousand, playing, shrimp, rate, xie, writing whirlpool. Acting on the Yangtze River, the Fishing River, the River, the River, the River, the River, the River, the River, and the Sea.
16 paintings:
Aobabao, Baoyu, Tibetan, and the tide. Checheng 霏 鲋 鲋 颔 颔 颔 翮醐 遑 遑 阍 阍 阍 阍 螟瘼 螟瘼 螟瘼 螟瘼 螟瘼 螟瘼 螟瘼 螟瘼 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝聁谝 gourd glanced at frequency 鲲pupu lurked latent moistening the moment 游潲渑澍捌挌捌潼隈橴涠阌Xianxi Xingxue 锔鄅鄄
17 paintings:
癍Help slander the arm-length quilt, 擘恹恹点気砠袠袁袁袠砢笢 snoring, han regret, howl, hong 觳, huanhuang, 隳浍词, broad 蒗謧濂枽嬷缧蟊mimysterymi Mimi, film thickpan, 蠔缥螵 concubine.皤Pushuang 潚暉 Xixia Township 鞞鬬第sturgeon bathing Zechan
18 paintings:
鼥鴴 ?髀奥whip 隣婴婀奥whip 隣尯鰯鰯馎鵏19 paintings:
The petal bulbul folds deflated thin 醭book 瀍 quail dulcuding herring soup 鞲鲴糳paint 嚚 splash hunting browse 溺懑懵荵兢祢氎湋平
cheating the pouch webbed waterfall disturbing the mist Xie Fei Ying
20 paintings:
The arm and the turtle are avoiding the lining and the turtle is braided and the pigtail is on the verge of the cockroach.蛛
The devil's clamor 瀜xiao meets the 瀣瀆瀛潴
21 paintings:
Anba argued that the 誠膘s soared and the 瀿瀵 cranes protected the 瀐lan潋猕舼邈霹鼀鼀漼漼hurdle 瀷瀹灂
22 paintings:
Bian 锛韖鲣棣殷Huanhuan badger Ji haze eel 鉨耱瞰簰栠声飨 cod Algae
Picture 23:
The bird changes into a ray, a ray, and a bridle on the beach
Picture 24:
Clam, tail, bridle, and bridle
Picture 25:
Picture 26:
Picture 27 :
Luan Vale
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"金" character library (the five-element attribute is gold)
2 paintings:
A man with a dagger enters the house
Painting 3:
Only crossing the Sichuan River, a thousand swords and three corpses, Xi Xiao
Painting 4:
Qiu Fu Geren is still redundant and has little Shi family. Hands holding four pieces of paper, the heart cut and the claws cut out.
5 paintings:
The book scolded the publication of the book Qian Shen Shen Shen lost the stone, the history of the world, the official market showed that Si Xianxian suddenly took over the rightful owner.
6 Paintings:
This time the minister, Cheng Shu, lost his money, and the officials were appointed to throw it away like a color tongue style to guard the concubine's death in the temple. Zaozhazhou Zhouzi
7 paintings:
The car is noisy, the car is red, the chimney is blowing, the sentence is redeemed, the sentence is seven-inch, the pregnancy is long-lasting, the shao-卲she is stretched out, and the private service is sucked.佀兕姒宋特 Kiss 伭 Xinxiu Xu Xu Xun Youzao 卮卮卮 佀 Help makeup Zhuangzi walk and sit down
8 paintings:
Wabi Chang copy 优弯 pull sincerity to inherit the Chu Chuyi Ci'ergeng scraped Jin Jingkan, carved the widow, killed Qing, took Sanshashan's hernia, Shangshe's social servant groaned, and promoted the first thing to be worshiped by Shu's uncle.
So how did the rabbits and nephews with the surname of Jiu Si Zang roll over their nephews and sister-in-law Zhou and curse Zhou Zhong to arrest the clan’s soldiers?
9 paintings:
I checked the difference and demolished the nephew and sister-in-law. Wearing the spring mortar promotes the degree of toxins, the palace is cut and the wormwood is withered, and the autumn beast is soft and sandy, and the sampan is swamped with soft sand. Star nature, Xu Xu's narrative leaflet, Yu Yu, Zai Zan, the fleas are blinking, staring, standing, leaning on their elbows, leaning on their clumsy postures and postures, yesterday.
10 paintings:
Stripping wealth from warehouses, jackals, and plundering鬯晁秧耖哓宸谚holdingwings卍俶pure temple brittle house withered nail enamel steel Ganggang monster borrows Jun ruthenium Ni polonium splits Qian pulls Qiong 讱轫衽狨insults the weak Shan flashes San Shan Shan whistles shoots Shen gestation Shen Yi Shishi ten At that time, I picked up books to save my life. I was in trouble. Sun Xun instigated me. Zuozu Zuozao pedestal
11 paintings:
Sicai ginseng, Cao side hairpin, prostitute, often wandering and singing in the nest, morning, 趻偁礤瓻 spoon, 艂舂, Chongzhen, 哢place, 猌slurping boat 鏅The cracked porcelain is coarse and frustrates, and it is a good thing.鍍asked and learned about the migration of the fine board Xiang Xiang Xie Xin Xin provokes Xing shy sleeve alcohol Xuan Yue blames the grasshopper village sticks the gizzard gardenia the daytime bead infestation monograph the purple tribe group 虙
12 paintings :
Palladium 钣钸guess the remaining pieces of toilet 嗇秇筱 rampant Hao open 恝怅 Chao Chao stretch out the door钫琐calcium Cut hook Guhuhalberd Juejun Junji Naning button 掊钒钤qin bird's love cyanran tough velvet umbrella scattered mourning sweeping sister-in-law Sha Sha Shan slightly Shao Fen She kidney wins nephew Sheng left depends on granting thin and sparse millet Shu Shun Shun Silk, silk, crocodile, swish, suede, millet, rice, titanium, push for the boy, push, xixi, rhino, fur, hoe, envy, elephant breast, beard, son-in-law, hustle and bustle, metaphor key, we chiseled, jujube, once cheated, palmed the edict, earned the ferocious frame, and reproduced the sewage crowd. Spider storage note hereby curses the emperor
13 paintings:
Bismuth cymbal platinum step on the charcoal to insert the 粩琛琔筭絺嬬 Sad and thick reward toad Chu 琡 Chuai 歂 stupid 萐Cong urges, rubs, rubs, cobalt, potassium, cuts off Jie Jing, huge columbium bell, rivets, molybdenum, niobium, planes, beryllium, promethium, lead, tongs, fengs, zine, cooking, rubbing, plugs, scratches, 萗裟惃魃牄蛸蛜蜃 poetry, 邿士士综合士込湹曹 Rat蜀 Sleep 嗍嗣四 Send Search Su Sui Sui Sui Carboxylated Thallium Tantalum Ketones 鉸鄄acyl Suspicion of Clam The thief, the debtor, the thief, the thief, the Zhuangzhuang, the decoration, the capital, and the capital, beat the 嶶綕
14 paintings:
The ammonium 艑彩博簯 inspection, the 禥烝嫦玚綝, said the sincere 郕铓酲铊铊洯殠栠convulsions 邢怆円狠狠狠狠铰见铰狠狠valence chrome hafnium 鐝瀡精品炂抂链闾 inscription 駧綮戊戗 cavity snatch the sleep dragon 铨逡 recognized rubidium Rui Rui push It hurts the monks, the monks sing the vows, the longevity is long, the life is long, the life is long, the life is long, the life is long, the life is long. Yinfuyu Zangzao tsk 帻甄瀈袭碢碢integrated hydrazone rice dumplings aluminum
15 paintings:
Actinium barium shame miserable 艖 doped with chan 鋋绛谄 intestine factory麨苋漞樛洴 Kitchen hoe 體嬬呐婇踳give vinegar to destroy the file 锇锟斤拷Stupid Shaanxi Shang appreciates the actual eclipse and sails the bow ripe several 酧 smacks who hisses 缌張婷驷螞谇鞤铤雳鋈勋偟曟斤拷Tell Zhu Zhu Zhun Xu Zong Su Zou
16 paintings:
锛饭憯穇 cabin rough 荅乨娊阊苹谌踸赪褤槧瘳蹄頁鲲 hammer贴鞳獍璁璁牉鹾鹾缛缥第謬 meals鄃惃曳狠狠SU 锬锴粹螘阋锨Wake up, paint, pay attention, over-covet, hate, fight, and fight. The beasts, the beasts, the cones, the awls, the cones, the cones, and the cones
17 paintings:
The 17th painting:
Zen pays for it Xixi opera, fresh epilepsy, stuffing, Xie Yuxun, Yi Yu, Zao Wei, Zhai felt, germanium needle, bell, bell, whistle and eyes.
18 paintings:
籱銊pound, 锞饆稨簟六艟Wear a pair of tungsten tungsten tungsten tungsten tungsten tungsten tungsten tungsten tungsten tungsten tungsten tungsten tungsten tungsten tungsten hairs. p>19 paintings:
铖镚 escort 蜜蜜蜉蜉襜谯谯谯词贴ood prayer 鏴嬍牍cauldron mirror 铏鏂锘斤拷 anchor 镕锘 move 锵鰯 mackerel magpie
颢 Sao and Tan
The rope recognizes the beast, the cymbal, the cymbal, the sieve, the sieve, the selection, the praise, the chisel, the cao, the 鰰鞞 compliance
20 paintings:
The tang, the touch, the stirrup, the upsetting, the 锄锄闵锵锵鎎铢铍铓铣锴锴遍鍎鍢鍍锴锣锴遍鍎鍢鍍镪鰥鬦覦袦襦离簰
铓鳋骟Shi widow铴钺琺心continued translation鉵麺鐏
21 paintings :
?骖鸧豿戀翼邂邂lining 锇呲隹颢多锌radium sickle 鏴嫫雯蛩雯与tunsui iron 焨 danger 镱儹鸯 belongs to the bracelet 鹹
22 paintings:
23 paintings:
婪骪鑑间饥Eel, marrow, snail, fiber pheasant, dirty trout
24 paintings:
Poetry silkworms slander and prophesy Chu Xin Xuan Zan step
25 paintings:
The 鑶镵鲳谿镧霑笛 inlaid with stolen goods
26 paintings:
27 paintings:
黩鮮锣temporal drill
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There are two situations for people born around 11 o'clock on May 15, 1988:
① Before 11 o'clock, it is Si Shi. The horoscope of birth date is Wuchen, Dingsi, Gengwu and Xinsi.
②The period between 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock in the afternoon is noon time, and the birth dates are Wuchen, Dingsi, Gengwu, and Renwu.
This girl is a big forest tree with a wood life. Yen (Ri Zhu Tian Qian) is Geng gold. The Five Elements Theory believes that Geng metal is born in the month of Si (ten days after the "beginning of summer" on March 30 in the lunar calendar) and needs to be mixed with Ren water and Wu soil.