The most romantic planet name.

Diamond planet.

The Diamond Planet is a planet observed by American astronomers in September 20 10, about 50 light years away from the Earth. Steve Cavaller, a professor at Iowa State University, led an astronomical team to study the star. He thinks it is a blue-green diamond planet.

For a long time, some astronomers thought that the unusually high pressure on Uranus and Neptune could easily compress carbon atoms into diamonds.

Although an important factor to satisfy the formation of diamonds is high pressure, another important factor-carbon-is lacking on both planets. The calculation results show that the carbon content of Uranus and Neptune is only 1% to 2%, and the carbon content of a planet must exceed 15% to form diamonds. Researchers say that the new object of treasure hunt in the universe may be white dwarfs-more than 50% carbon content and great pressure may make the surface of white dwarfs covered with diamonds.