Then file->; Create new, select the file property page in the dialog box, and create a new header file from the C/C++ header file on the left (the file name suffix is. H), C/C++ source file creates a new source file, the file name on the right gives the file a name, and location is the location where the file is stored. Click OK to create the new file.
Source file name suffix. C is a c language source file, and. Cpp or nothing is a C++ source file, which cannot be confused, because the compiler will automatically modify the function names in the C++ source program, which is allowed in C++ and not allowed in C language.
The advantage of using project is that many files related to this topic can be compiled together, such as inserting other source files into project and using the menu Project->; Add to project-> New (creating a new file in the project), file (inserting an existing file),
Compile and run, menu construction-> Compile source files and generate obj files.
Menu construction->; Generate exe file, build-& gt;; Debug is used to debug programs.