Hecate: The goddess of the night, representing the dark side of the world.
Gaea: Earth goddess, created the earth, sea and sky.
Uranus: God of the sky.
Cronus: God of peace.
Oceanus: also known as Oceanus; the god of water.
Hyperion: God of light.
Mnemosyne: God of memory.
Crius: God of growth.
Themis: Goddess of order and justice.
Phoebe: Goddess of the Moon.
Coeus: God of intelligence.
Prometheus: One of the wisest gods, known as the "prophet".
Epimetheus (Epimetheus): One of the stupidest gods, known as the "hindsighter".
Atlas: One of the tallest and strongest gods.
Metis: A smart and beautiful female Titan with the ability to predict.
Twelve Main Gods
Zeus: In charge of the heavens, he is the third god-king; he is famous for his lust for sex.
Hera: the beautiful queen; protector of marriage, especially of married women.
Poseidon: Rules the sea; has a bad temper and is greedy.
Demeter: goddess of agriculture.
Hestia: The goddess of virginity, not involved in government affairs. She is the god of the kitchen and health, and is in charge of family affairs.
Ares: God of war; rough and bloodthirsty, but not a true warrior.
Athena: Goddess of wisdom and war; she is the embodiment of wisdom, reason and purity.
Apollo: the sun god; his full name is Phoebus Apollo.
Aphrodite: God of love, beauty and desire;
Hermes: The fastest among the gods; God of commerce, underworld guide.
Artemis: The beautiful huntress and moon goddess, the protector of young people.
Hephaestus: The only ugly one among the gods, the god of fire and forging.
Hades: in charge of the underworld and the god of wealth;
Thanatos: the god of death.
Eris: The goddess of discord, her most famous achievement is instigating the "Trojan War".
Nemesis: goddess of revenge or justice.
Helios: God of the Sun; predecessor of Apollo.
Eos: Goddess of the Dawn.
Persephone: Daughter of Demeter; queen of the underworld.
Eros: the little god of love.
Hebe: the goddess of youth.
Pan: God of mountains and forests.
The Fates: There are three gods: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos.
Aglaia (Aglaia, goddess of radiance).
Euphrosyne (Euphrosyne, goddess of joy).
Thalia (Thalia, Goddess of Inspiration).
The Muses: Calliope (eloquence and narrative poetry), Clio (history), Urania (astronomy), Melpomene (tragedy) , Thalia (Comedy), Terpsichore (Dance), Erato (Love Poetry), Polyhymnia (Ode), Euterpe (Lyric Poetry) ).
The Erinnyes: Furies,
The Pleiades (Seven Fairies): Electra, Maia, Taygete, Alcyone, Merope, Celaeno, Sterope.
Hours: Eunomia (order), Dicke (justice), Erinye (peace).
Pentus (Pontus): means "unfathomable sea".
Nereus: Nicknamed "The Old Man of the Sea". He is a knowledgeable, sincere and kind-hearted old immortal.
Calypso: Sea goddess.
Achelous: River god.
Alcyoneus: Son of heaven and earth, the most powerful giant.
Iris: Messenger of Zeus; goddess of the rainbow.
Leucothea: goddess of the sea.
Proteus: The old man of the sea, endless changes.
Scamander: the name of the river, also the name of the river god; also called Xanthus
Syrinx: mountain forest goddess.
Glaucus: God of the sea, good at making prophecies.
Talos: Giant.
Selene: Moon goddess.
Bio: Fierce.
Cratos: Powerful.
Phorcys: "Father of all monsters."
Medusa: One of the Gorgons; anyone who sees her head will be transformed