Zheng Banqiao was sent to Wei County as magistrate of a county, leaving Bao Xiao at home to be taken care of by his wife and younger brother Zheng Mo. Zheng Banqiao is worried that his son will be spoiled, so he is in Shandong, thinking about his son at home. Therefore, he copied many poems and ballads and sent them home to Bao Xiao to read. For example, "198 1 September, when the poor and the poor suffered, they had to put their feet there to sleep, and mosquitoes and fleas came out." Bao Xiao recited poems under the guidance of his mother, thus understanding many philosophies of life.
Zheng Banqiao deeply understands the truth that "a spoiled child is like killing a child". When he heard that Bao Xiao often boasted: "My father is a big official outside!" Sometimes he would bully the servant's children, so he immediately wrote to his younger brother Zheng Mo and said, "I didn't give birth to a son until I was 52 years old. How can I not love? "However, love must be in its own way." There must be a way to love your son. "Going with the flow" is true love, not "going with the flow" is doting, and doting is not true love. Therefore, he asked his younger brother and his family to strictly discipline Bao Xiao and pay attention to "long and thick feelings that drive his cruelty."
The younger brother and his family educated their children according to Zheng Banqiao's wishes and achieved great results. So they wrote a letter to Zheng Banqiao, telling the progress of the child, saying that the child must be a promising person when he grows up and can become a fairy like you. After reading this letter, Zheng Banqiao immediately replied, "We people, with a book in our hands, want to learn and be an official. How can we rob money, build a big house and buy more land?". If you start, you will go the wrong way and get worse. There is always no good result. " He also said: "It is a trivial matter to be an official if you study well. First, be sensible and be a good person. " The good people mentioned here are people with noble moral cultivation and people who are beneficial to society.
After Bao Xiao was six years old, Zheng Banqiao took him with him. He personally taught his son to read, asked to recite some poems every day, often told Bao Xiao about the dangers of eating and dressing, and asked him to take part in housework as much as possible. Thanks to his father's example, Bao Xiao has made rapid progress. At that time, the famine in wei county was very serious. Zheng Banqiao has been very poor, and there is no grain at home. One day, Bao Xiao cried to his mother that he was hungry. Her mother put a corn flour steamed bread in Bao Xiao's hand and said, "Your father saved it at noon. Take it and eat it quickly! " Bao Xiao walked to the door, happily eating steamed corn-bread. At this moment, Bao Xiao found a hungry little girl standing beside him watching him eat corn bread. He immediately divided the corn bread in his hand into two halves and gave it to the little girl. Zheng Banqiao was very happy when he learned about it. He said to Bao Xiao, "Son, you did the right thing. Dad really likes you! "
Zheng Banqiao attaches great importance to children's self-reliance education. Before he died, he asked his son to make some steamed buns and bring them to bed. When Bao Xiao took the steamed bread to bed, he nodded at ease, closed his eyes and died. His last words to his son before he died were: "Sweat, eat your own food, do your own thing, rely on the sky, people, ancestors, and not be a hero."
Zheng Banqiao's practice of teaching his son on his deathbed is really for the long-term benefit of future generations, and people should get useful enlightenment from it. Instead of leaving more money to future generations, it is better to strengthen their education and cultivate them into talents with both ability and political integrity, real materials and independent means of making a living.