Uyghur girl names

Sirin: sweet, sweet, wonderful

Ruxian: cheerful, bright, clear

Pasha: old Turkey, Egypt Titles of senior military and administrative administrators

Zuhere: Venus (in the sky)

Bahar: Spring, wonderful spring

Gulixian: Flower bed , garden

Zeyitong: olives

Zenanti: decoration, embellishment

Abidan: monuments, sites, monuments

Ayim: The moon-like daughter

Reyihan: Basil flower (flower)

Baheti: happiness

Guzanli: beautiful , handsome

Anal: pomegranate

Ibaidi: chastity, chastity

Joler: morning star

Ah Letong: gold, gold

Amyla: companion, companion, companion, traveler

Sainaimu: idol, idol; beauty, beauty (change of mind)

Nirubair: lotus, lotus