Which software was used to make the movie Avatar?

Maya20 18, Zbrush, SubstancePainter, mari, nuke 1 1 can be used as software. The high mode is to start carving with the laid line and the middle mode, and directly develop UV to MARI to draw XYZ map and make ZB detailed map. After the projection is completed, three channels of RGB are output respectively, and then a new layer is built in ZB, and RGB is pasted to the displacement map position of ZB respectively. Mapping the basic skin of the human model is projected by MARI with matte mapping. In the rendering stage, firstly, create a camera to set the angle and size, and select 1024X 1024 pixels as the test, so that the accuracy is minimized, mainly depending on the lighting effect. The lighting layout is that two rectangular lights are displayed on the upper left and upper right, and one is at the back. After adding a dome lamp as an environmental ball for lighting, first attach a basic material ball to the head. According to the adjustment after rendering effect, the density of 1.5 is given, which is generally around 1.7. After the test is completed, replace and paste before pasting, and at the same time give SSS 1, SSS2 and SSS3. In the synthesis stage, four exhibition lights are used, and a COLORCORRECT node is added under each light to change the color of the lights. In the later special effects part, RGB channels are separated by SHUFFURcopy, and then the size of each channel is adjusted by adding transformation nodes, so that the edge has a dispersion effect.