Wang Mian, the word stamp, young and poor, his father is a cattle herder; Stealing into the school house to listen to students reading, the cow is dead at dusk.
Zhang Zi's Wang Mian was very poor when he was a child. His father asked him to herd cattle. He sneaked into the school to listen to the students and didn't go home until dark. As a result, he lost his cow. Father was very angry, so he beat him with a whip. As a result, he continued to do so. His mother said: My son is so obsessed, it is better to let him do whatever he wants. So Wang Mian went to the temple and read a book by the ever-burning lamp in front of the Buddha statue at night. A man named Han Xing in Huiji was very surprised when he heard about it, so he took Wang Mian as an apprentice and named him Tong Ru. Later, after Han Xing's death, his family respected Wang Mian as much as Han Xing.