A flying insect is called a gnat, which is much smaller than a mosquito. Will it sting? Will it itch?

It will bite people, and when bitten, it will not only be itchy, but also slightly painful. You can apply eczema cream after being bitten.

Midges: Commonly known as small bites and black mosquitoes, they are the smallest blood-sucking insects in the order Diptera.

Small bites can not only cause skin redness, swelling and itching, but can also lead to infection in severe cases. At the same time, they may also transmit viruses while sucking blood, causing illness in humans and other animals.

Midges are holometabolous insects, with a life cycle that includes four stages: egg, larvae, pupa and adult.

The time required for the life cycle of midges is closely related to temperature. It takes about one month in summer, and usually can reproduce 2 to 4 generations a year, depending on the species and region. Male midges die 1 to 2 days after mating, while female midges live for about a month. Usually overwinter as larvae or eggs.

Female midges lay their eggs in moist places. The eggs are easily shriveled and unable to hatch in dry environments. When the eggs hatch, they will first have a pair of bulges at the thick end of the egg, formed by the forehead of the larvae inside the egg. Break the egg process, crack the egg shell transversely, and drill out the head first. Most of the eggs hatch at the same time, with a difference of no more than half a day.

Midbit bites suck human blood, and the bites often cause local reactions and itching, and even cause systemic allergic reactions. More importantly, they can spread a variety of human diseases.

After being bitten by a midge, the principles should be to reduce inflammation, relieve itching, and prevent and treat secondary infections.

Immediate measures--when bitten by a midge, immediately apply an alkaline solution such as sodium bicarbonate solution or ammonia water externally, which can greatly reduce the degree of local reaction.

Acute and subacute phases - Various antipruritic agents can be applied externally, such as camphor, menthol, carbolic ethanol solution or lotion; 1 mint calamine lotion can also be used. When a large number of people are bitten, they can be soaked in hot water. Those with blisters can apply 2-methylpurple liquid to prevent secondary infection. When there is secondary infection, decoction of dandelion and wild chrysanthemum can be applied externally.

Chronic stage--This stage is more difficult to treat. Surgical resection, X-ray irradiation, electrocautery, laser, cryotherapy and other therapies can be used. Triamcinolone acetonide can also be injected into the nodule skin lesion once a week, usually 2 to 4 times can cure the disease. You can also get satisfactory results by using the external patch of Fujining ointment or Piyanling ointment.