I always stutter when calling other people’s names, what should I do?

Stuttering is definitely not just as simple as stammering in speech!

Stuttering, the English scientific name is Stuttering, is a very complex language disorder involving many aspects such as genetics, neurophysiological development, psychological stress and language behavior.

Stuttering does not only refer to the phenomenon of stuttering when you speak. In fact, it contains three closely related levels:

1. Core Behaviors of stuttering: also called core symptoms of stuttering (Core Features).

It refers to your stuttering and abnormal way of expressing language. That is, your originally smooth and rhythmic language expression process is interrupted by excessive and uncontrollable speech repetition, prolongation and jamming.

2. Accessory Behaviors of stuttering: also called Secondary Behaviors of stuttering, or Secondary Symptoms of stuttering.

It refers to the various abnormal movements and behaviors you display in order to escape and get rid of the core behavior of stuttering. Such as blinking, stamping feet, clearing the throat, twitching the face and head, biting fingers...as well as deliberately pausing in speech, or avoiding certain situations that easily make one feel stressed and stutter when speaking, etc.

3. Stuttering psychology (Affective Reactions): The most mysterious and huge part of stuttering includes both emotional and cognitive aspects.

It includes not only the fear, anxiety, pressure, shame, guilt, frustration and other negative feelings and emotions that stuttering brings to you, but also the resulting feelings about stuttering, yourself and others. Views and perceptions of life and the world as a whole.

After you understand the three major levels of stuttering, we can clearly outline the true structure of stuttering through the following diagram:

Stuttering structure diagram

This structural diagram of stuttering contains the following three most basic and important meanings:

1. Stuttering is not a simple language problem, nor a simple psychological problem; A complex polyhedron!

It is a very complex language disorder composed of three levels: "stuttering core behavior", "stuttering additional behavior" and "stuttering psychology". These three levels are tightly intertwined and become a whole, inseparable.

2. Stuttering speech behavior is the core of stuttering and the basis of everything!

The core behavior of stuttering, stuttering speech behavior, is the root of all suffering. The additional behaviors of stuttering and the psychology of stuttering are all generated around it.

3. Stuttering is not static, it is a dynamic vicious cycle!

The core behavior of stuttering, the additional behaviors of stuttering and the psychology of stuttering, these three constitute a dynamic vicious circle:

The speech behavior of stuttering leads to the emergence of the psychology of stuttering;


The anxiety, tension and pressure caused by stuttering will not only make you stutter worse; it will also lead to additional behaviors;

The additional behaviors of stuttering are originally Behaviors that stutterers engage in to avoid and get rid of their stuttering due to fear and shame. However, it makes the stutterer's language behavior even more "deviate from the norm" and eventually becomes part of this "abnormal language behavior". Together with the core stuttering behavior, it in turn further aggravates the psychological deterioration of stuttering.

1. Performance characteristics:

(1) Difficulty (2) Repeatability (3) Moderate resistance

2. Reasons:

(1) Physiological reasons. Some people think that stuttering is related to genetics or some kind of brain dysfunction.

(2) Psychological reasons. Such as mental stress, anxiety, stress. Psychological factors are the main cause of stuttering.

(3) The entire language neurological function is impaired. That is, disorders of the nervous system that are closely related to pronunciation, language understanding, and even reading and writing.

(4) Physiological diseases.

Stuttering can also be caused by brain infections, head injuries, and infectious diseases such as whooping cough, measles, influenza, and scarlet fever in children.

(5) Imitation and suggestion.

3. Correction and prevention:

(1) Relieve tension when speaking and pay attention to eliminating bad stimuli.

(2) Strengthen speaking training.

1. About self-treatment>>>>

Maybe you are like most of the 1.5 million stutterers in the United States and cannot receive appropriate clinical treatment for stuttering. All you can do is rely on yourself and use all the treatment methods and related information available to you for self-treatment.

The first thing you have to do is tell yourself that you need to change this. You really need to change the way you speak. Although it is difficult to do this, you still have to devote yourself to it without slacking off. Some people have an unrealistic belief that stuttering will one day disappear on its own, but you can't get your hopes up. Also, don’t place your hopes on a magic pill that will solve your problems.

You cannot passively wait for a good treatment to come to you one day. On the contrary, you must work hard to find it yourself. You need to understand that those old treatments and all the efforts you have put in over the years are not going to work for you. Habits are always very powerful, and you will find it difficult to change everything you are doing now. Although the current way of speaking makes you uncomfortable, you are used to it. We always shrink from the unknown.

In order to make the long-term progress you want, you must be willing to tolerate temporary discomfort and sometimes distress. There will be no pie in the sky. Why can't you take the time and energy to heal now so that you can speak whatever you want later? So how to treat it? You want to defeat the world problem of stuttering and solve it once and for all. No one thought it could be done effortlessly. So should we start now?

In order to cure stuttering, a very important prerequisite is that stuttering patients must firmly believe that stuttering can be effectively overcome, and at the same time, they must have a fighting spirit, a hard-working character, and a willingness to be lonely. Despair, pessimism, and passivity are the most dangerous enemies of self-therapy.

2. About our self-therapy >>>>

This book is written for the many stuttering patients in our country (the United States) and is written in the second person. Explain how they should control their stuttering. We can say with confidence that as a person who stutters, you do not need to surrender to your stuttering in despair because you can change the way you speak. You can learn to speak in a more relaxed way instead of the miserable way you used to. There is no easy or quick way to solve your problem, but using the right self-treatment will definitely bring results.

Experience has made you skeptical of any treatment that claims to solve your stuttering problem. You may have tried different treatments in the past, only to be disappointed again and again until you finally came to your senses. This book will not promise to cure your stutter quickly and magically, nor will it mislead you. It simply illustrates what you can and should do to overcome your language difficulties. This book provides a sound, feasible correction plan based on treatment methods and procedures that have been proven to be effective. In this plan, you can move around as you please, except in situations where you can be observed closely, such as when you are on the phone. It would be great if you have a palm-sized repeater or tape recorder that can record your voice anytime and anywhere. These devices are not too expensive. You should also prepare a small memo.

3. The initial cause of stuttering>>>>

There is a widely accepted point of view worth mentioning, and this point of view is also quite interesting. The original reason why stuttering occurs does not actually exist. Many theories have been proposed to explain the causes and characteristics of stuttering. But none of the theories have been confirmed or likely to be confirmed. These theories suggest that the cause of stuttering may be due to environmental influences or genetic factors, or due to the interaction of the two.

Whatever the cause of your stuttering was, it no longer applies to you, and it may not seem right now. Therefore, we believe that the original cause of your stuttering has no significance to you now and will not affect the correction process you are currently undergoing. What you really need to consider is what is causing your stuttering to continue and not get better.

There is no reason for you to stutter in such despair all your life, causing your life and career to fail. If others have successfully treated themselves, you can too.

4. Factors affecting treatment>>>>

Before explaining the detailed steps of stuttering treatment to readers, we need to discuss some related factors. Because these factors are related to and affect your correction attitude, correction views, and actions during correction.

These factors include information that will have a substantial impact on the correction process, such as people's feelings, emotions, stress, distraction, getting help from others, motivation, etc. First, we point out how feelings and emotions generally influence the degree of language difficulty.

1) Feelings and Emotions

Stuttering is not a simple language disorder. It is a complex functional disorder of both physical and psychological aspects. From a psychological perspective, we can say that stuttering is generally caused by stutterers trying to avoid stuttering at all costs. In other words, it's an incredible joke that stutterers play on themselves.

What happens next is that when you speak you want to speak fluently so badly that you try to force yourself to say it perfectly. Your pressure will become greater and greater, and your problems will become more and more serious. Unfortunately, the mechanics of language are in a delicate state of balance, and the more you try to stop stuttering, the more you stutter unintentionally.

Stuttering affects your mood because being a stutterer can be very distressing. Maybe they think it's embarrassing to be a person who stutters, even if that's not actually the case. The result is that you become more sensitive to your language difficulties.

It is true that the experience of stuttering or being unable to speak fluently can be very frustrating. The result is that, in some circumstances, people who stutter feel so embarrassed and humiliated that they have to endure hopelessness, humiliation, low self-esteem, depression, and sometimes self-hatred.

People's emotions can cause them to feel fear and anxiety, which can affect their attitudes toward other people and life in general. Just as a dog's wagging tail has an impact on the dog's personality (note: I don't know where this statement comes from, I can't understand it), stuttering also changes the personality of the person who stutters, but if you are not so sensitive and know that when you stutter, you may If stuttering occurs or does occur, there is no need to panic. You will soon be speaking much more fluently.

The fear of stuttering may be the fear of words, syllables, certain people, certain situations, making phone calls, saying one's own name, etc. If you are less afraid. If the pressure is lighter, you may not have such language difficulties.

When your fear is strong, the corresponding pressure will increase, and you will stutter more frequently and more seriously. Sometimes, your fear is so strong that you are in a frantic state, and your thoughts and actions are almost paralyzed. This fear and anxiety prevents you from entering into situations that you would otherwise enjoy, and your personal experience takes a toll. This will make you feel more humiliated and embarrassed, you will feel more of a failure, and you will stutter more. So the degree of your stuttering is proportional to the amount of fear in your heart.

2) Tension and relaxation

Because fear causes excessive muscle tension, muscle relaxation is a major goal of treatment. Nervousness, arising from fear, plays a key role in motivating the patient's stuttering and is a direct trigger of the patient's speech difficulties. If you didn't require your language to be flawless, then you wouldn't stutter as much as you do now, or at least it would be much easier for you to stutter.

How does stress arise? This is difficult to answer. Hypnosis is said to be helpful in reducing stress. It would be great if you could reduce or eliminate your stress through some hypnosis therapy, but unfortunately, there is no evidence that hypnosis has long-term effects.

There is another method that is helpful for patients to relax. Many patients experience that they can relax to a certain extent by drinking some alcoholic beverages or being mildly drunk. Although this approach usually results in less stress and in most cases less stuttering, we regret to say that this effect is temporary. So clearly this approach is not recommended.

Unfortunately, we cannot recommend any medications to our patients. Tranquilizers cannot do our job.

It has been suggested that relaxation exercises can help patients reduce or eliminate the tension they experience. If a patient can eliminate tension through a process of relaxation exercises, and the effects are long-lasting, that's a great treatment. Many people have devoted themselves to research on this subject, and many stutterers have spent thousands of hours doing this exercise in the hope that the results will be worth the time it takes. But whether the effect is satisfactory has not yet been proven.

This does not mean that relaxation exercises are discouraging. Because learning to relax is good for people's general health -- even if they're not a cure for stuttering. The basic principle remains: the calmer and more relaxed you are, the less you will stutter. This is one of the reasons why we ask you to speak in a smooth, slow, deliberate and thoughtful manner, as this helps encourage you to communicate in a calmer and more relaxed way.

More practical than general relaxation is the relaxation of specific muscles. If you can identify where most of the tension is, then probably you should learn to relax those muscles while speaking. There are a few different muscle relaxation exercises that may help you in certain circumstances.

These exercises only involve certain muscles, including those that control your lips, tongue, mouth, breathing, and to some extent, your vocal cords. When you are alone and in a relaxed state, you can deliberately contract and relax these muscles. It will definitely help if you can relax these muscles while speaking.

We also recommend regular calisthenics or similar physical training. The idea is that physical practice is not only good for people's health, but also helps build the self-confidence that most people who stutter lack.

At the same time, body shape training can make patients tend to hold their chests and heads high and stand straight. This posture can also help patients develop self-confidence - a feeling that you think you can do it better than others, or that you can do it just as well as others. Physical training will also help you in this regard.

3) Divert your attention

If there were some ways to distract you from your fearful thoughts so that you wouldn’t think about your stuttering, maybe when you speak There will be no problem. If you could forget that you were a stutterer, you might not stutter at all, but we don't know how to train you to develop such "forgetfulness."

Anything that distracts you from your fear or the threat of stuttering will usually give you temporary relief. This is why people who stutter can be misled by clever little tricks. For example, they will talk in a sing-song manner, or talk to a metronome, or they will wring their fingers, wave their arms, or stamp their feet while talking. These strange ways of speaking and others can cause patients to speak fluently for a short period of time.

When you anticipate encountering language difficulties, diverting your attention can temporarily mask your fears. Think about it, this is how you use these methods. But this won't permanently reduce your fear or stuttering. These seemingly outlandish methods work in the same way as novel corrections—at least until the novelty wears off—if the patient is convinced of its effects and is susceptible to psychological problems. Words that suggest influence.

4) Enlist the support of others

You are very lucky if you can get help from a competent speech-language pathologist who is trained in the field of stuttering. However, our self-correction plan is based on the assumption that you do not have access to such expert help. Even if you do get their help, the success of treatment is largely up to you.

This does not mean that you should refuse help from others, because you need others to talk to you and practice continuously. If you have a good relationship with a family member or a good friend, you trust each other, and you have confidence in that person. He/she will provide you with valuable services in many ways.

Being an observer allows one to see or hear things that are not clear to oneself. As you work on your stuttering patterns (this will be discussed later), such a friend may also be able to imitate your stuttering patterns and help you figure out your stuttering behavior when you encounter difficulties.

He/she may also accompany you to complete certain tasks, praise you when you achieve your results, encourage you to continue to persevere until you achieve your goals, and give you moral support.

Chinese and foreign celebrities who stutter

(The vast majority of friends who stutter have low self-esteem, and they have a negative attitude towards stuttering. They think that as long as they have stuttering, they will They will never succeed, and they have ignored their huge potential. From ancient times to the present, many people who stutter have finally become world-renowned great men with their strong perseverance and indomitable spirit. We should now treat these generations. Great men serve as role models for us to learn from, inspiring us to overcome obstacles in life and eventually move towards the glory of life!)

1. Aesop - the ancient Greek fables, the famous collection of fables "Aesop's Fables" "Aristotle";

2. Aristotle - an ancient Greek thinker and teacher of Alexander the Great. He wrote "Poetics" and proposed the idea of ??subject classification. He was a pioneer in the history of human civilization. Milestone figure;

3. Demosthenes - an ancient Greek orator, famous for practicing his speech on the beach with stones in his mouth and finally becoming a speaker;

4. Claudius - the ancient Roman emperor, author of "I, Claudius";

5. Isaac Newton (Issac Newton) - the founder of modern science, laying the foundation for the study of mechanics;

6. Robert Boyle - physicist, discoverer of Boyle's Law;

7. Charles Darwin - naturalist, Proponent of the theory of evolution, author of the book "The Origin of Species";

8. Alan Turing - the founder of computer science, first proposed the concept of Turing machine;

9 , Napoleon The First - famous military strategist, politician, French emperor;

10. Winston Churchill - famous politician, speaker, writer, British Prime Minister, World War II III One of the giants, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature;

11. Lenin - proletarian revolutionary, orator, politician, leader of the October Revolution;

12 , George Washington—politician, first president of the United States;

13. Theodore Roosevelt—politician, economist, president of the United States;

14. Moses - the ancient Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites to escape from Egypt;

15. Molotov - the foreign minister of the former Soviet Union during the Stalin era;

16. Lewis Carroll—writer, author of "Alice in Wonderland";

17. Marilyn Monroe— —Hollywood movie star, the masterpiece "The Seven Year Itch";

18. Bruce Willis (Bruce Willis)-Hollywood movie star, the masterpiece "The New York Heist";

< p>19. Rowan Atkinson - British comedy star, starring in "Mr. Bean";

20. Ron Harper - NBA superstar, main player of the Bulls ;

21. King George VI of England - the former King of England

22. Gareth Gates - a handsome British boy who moved the world with his singing Fans, created the miracle of singing in the 21st century

23. Han Fei - a thinker and one of the representatives of Legalism;

24. Liu Yazi - a modern poet;

25. Lu Xun - writer, leader of the New Culture Movement;

26. Zhan Tianyou - railway engineer, chief designer of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway;

27. Guan Zhong - Politician of the Spring and Autumn Period

28. Sima Xiangru - Poet of the Pre-Han Dynasty

29. Guo Moruo - Writer

30. Zhou Cang - Post-Han Dynasty The general

31. Deng Ai - the general of Wei during the Three Kingdoms period

32. Guangxu - the emperor of the Qing Dynasty

33. Zai Feng - the regent of the Qing Dynasty King

34. Qu Xiao - educator

35. Jack Welch - building self-confidence

36 Tom Cruise admitted that he stuttered in childhood

37 Zhou Xun was too naughty when he was a child, and when he learned to stutter, he stuttered himself - that was not an ordinary stutter

38 Xu Jinglei - habitual stuttering

39 Jiang Wenli - because of her restrained stuttering Rejoice. She deliberately slowed down her pace during the interview and occasionally laughed a few times to make her stuttering less obvious.

40 Ding Zhicheng - a male movie star who is good at playing police officers. Although the stuttering is extraordinary, it does not spread too widely. You know, on the screen, he definitely doesn't stutter.

41 Zhu Guangya - Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology;

42 Qian Sanqiang - famous mechanics;

43 Jiang Kun - famous cross talk artist;


44 Zhu Xu - a famous performing artist;

45 Cui Jian - a rock star;

And so on. . . There are many more

Jianchi disease and syndrome names. It refers to a condition in which stuttering makes it difficult to speak. Jian, difficult. "Guang Ya" notes: "Stuttering makes it difficult to speak." The cause of this disease, Volume 30 of "Treatise on the Causes and Symptoms of Various Diseases" believes: "The five internal organs and six six palaces of a person are endowed with the qi of the four seasons and five elements. Yin and yang support each other, and hardness and softness are interdependent. ,...If the qi of yin and yang are not in harmony, and the qi of the palace is insufficient, and the stammering occurs...the health-preserving method is full of anger and hurts the spirit, the spirit energy flows through the tongue, and the heart is damaged and the stammering occurs."

Stuttering. Characteristics

When stuttering occurs, the vocal organs may have convulsive movements and spasms of various muscle groups. Speech is produced by the same normal activities as the voice belt caused by the respiratory muscles of the diaphragm and the tongue, lips, mouth cover, etc. that make up speech. When almost all of these spasm and lose free movement, stuttering occurs. Stuttering patients breathe suddenly when speaking or when they have the intention to speak. Psychological disorders: fear, pessimism, negativity, and listlessness.

1. Fear is one of the main psychological characteristics of people who stutter. We are extremely afraid of speaking, stuttering, and communicating. We try our best to avoid speaking, evading communication, cover up our stuttering, and isolate ourselves from the outside world. . In exchange, there are various phobias: stuttering phobia, social phobia, telephone phobia, etc. {Characteristics of stuttering}

2. Pessimistic psychological causes Stuttering is also a major psychological factor that aggravates stuttering symptoms. Because of stuttering, we encounter too many setbacks in our study, work, and life. Therefore, we feel that stuttering cannot be cured and that our life is over, and we feel hopeless about the future. On the contrary, extreme pessimism aggravates stuttering. symptoms, creating a vicious cycle.

3. Negative emotions are also one of the important reasons for stuttering. Failure in your career and frustration in love will take a heavy blow to your spirit. If you can't turn around, you may be unable to recover. The negative emotions at this time are not necessarily related to our stuttering, but they are a fuse that leads to our stuttering.

4. Due to long-term stuttering and frustration in social situations, our spirit will be in a state of depression. Mainly manifested as lack of fighting spirit, mental confusion, weak will, and loss of confidence in life. This mentality is also a chronic poison that corrupts people's souls. {Characteristics of stuttering}

2. Character defects: low self-esteem, cowardice, self-isolation, depression and shyness, indecision, emotionlessness and irritability. The personality of a person who stutters is seriously abnormal, complex and contradictory.

1. Most people who stutter have very low self-esteem and feel that they are inferior to others; they have a cowardly and fearful personality, and do not dare to protect themselves when bullied, but accept it.

2. Friends who stutter often lock themselves in a small world and isolate themselves from the outside world. Try to avoid the coming and going of all people; be cautious and fearful when working, studying, and shopping. We are extremely sensitive to the environment, have no friends, are afraid of socializing, and live in a state of constant panic.

3. Being depressed and unhappy is a major character flaw of a person who stutters. They are lonely, unhappy, worried, sad, and disappointed all day long. Shyness is also a sign of being too self-conscious. Others evaluate themselves, so they always act coy in front of others and cannot express themselves in a generous manner.

4. Indecisiveness seems to be a common problem among most people who stutter. They lack opinions and are hesitant when encountering problems.

{Characteristics of stuttering}

5. People who stutter are initially afraid of speaking, stuttering, and communicating, so they avoid all interactions with relatives and friends. Over time, they become more and more indifferent when getting along with others; From the perspective of others, we may appear to be good-natured people with a gentle temperament, but in fact we have a violent side. When you get along with the people closest to you, if something doesn't go your way, you will get angry at them and even be angry with them. He drank violently.

3. Abnormal behavior: One of the manifestations is that we avoid the excitement and prefer to be lonely and quiet. The second manifestation is that we are often determined and committed, mainly because on the one hand we want to change ourselves, but our ability to act is too weak to persist. The third manifestation is that in social situations, we murmur when we want to speak, stagger when we want to walk, act cautiously, and feel at a loss.

4. Speech pathology: manifested as urgent, fast, fierce, heavy, unable to speak; blushing and heartbeat, facial muscle distortion, weird body movements, etc.

Stuttering disease basically has the above four characteristics. When we formulate a correction plan for ourselves, we can only achieve better results by taking into account multiple aspects.