Looking for the abbreviations of all LOL props

Sorry, my hands are too tired. . I found it for you online. Thanks for the original creation.

Toughness Potion. (Red bottle)

Agility potion. (Green bottle) Wisdom Potion. (Blue Bottle) Life Potion. (blood bottle) mana potion. (Magic bottle) Prophet potion. (400) True Sight Guard. (True Eye) Detection Guard. (Eye) Defense: Doran's Shield (Shield) Force of Nature (Nature) Wisdom's End Blade (End Blade) Heart of Frost (Frost) Negativity Cloak (Cloak) (720) Quicksilver Boots (Mercury) Scepter of the Abyss ( Staff of the Abyss) Armor of Thorns (Reverse Armor) Heart of Gold (Turtle Shell) Tiamat (Battle Axe) Philosopher's Stone (Philosopher's Stone) Hammer of Frost (Ice Hammer) Three Phases of Power (3 Phases) Heroism Badge (Emblem) Halberd of Atama (Dung Fork) Pendant of Rebirth (Blood Card) Rylai's Ice Scepter (Ice Staff) Glacier Armor (Little Ice Heart) Rygo's Lamp (Lantern) Eliza's Miracle ( Elizabeth) Soul Vestment (Spirit Clothes) Ghost Mask (Mask) Net Erosion (Wooden Hammer) Hex Demon-Drinking Knife./What is the name of the previous one? (Little Magic Knife/Big Grinding Knife) Guardian Angel (Brother Chun) Lich's Bane (Demon Fork) Watcher Armor (Watching Armor) Staff of Time (Wand of Time) Cloth Armor (Cloth Armor) (300) Leviathan's Armor (Killer Armor) Outlaw Armor (Outlaw) Giant's Belt (Belt) Zhonya's Hourglass (Hourglass) Chalice of Harmony/Holy Grail of Evil (Holy Grail) Invigorating Armor (Invigorating Armor) Banshee's Veil (Veil) Catalytic Stone (Lunch Box) Ninja Foot Gear (Ninja Shoes) Chainmail (Chainmail) Mercury Belt (Mercury Belt) Burning Gem (Burning Gem) Legion Aegis (Army Shield) Anti-Magic Cloak (Cloak) Sunfire Cloak (Sunfire) Langton's Omen (Landon) Shuria's Rhapsody (Crown) Mairead's Claw (Red Claw) Spell Class: Deathcap of the Worldbreaker (Hat) Demon Codex (Tome) Hextech Revolver (Vampire Gun) Hex Technological Gunblade (Technological Gun) Embrace of Deathfire (Deathfire) Ring of Doran (Ring) Scepter of the Abyss (Bone Rod) Yaoguang (Yaoguang) Meji Pendant (Merlin) Corrosive Blade (Corruption Knife) Archangel Staff (Archangel) Nash's Fang (Yellow Fang) Ancient Will (Ancient) Demon Sect Blade (Demon Sect Blade) Mejia's Soul Stealing Scroll (Murder Book) Rylai's Ice Crystal Scepter (Ice Staff) Cage's Luck Hand (lucky hand) Exploding Wand (Explosion Cracker) (760) Void Staff (Magic Penetration War) Ghost Mask (Mask) Invigorating Armor (Invigorating Armor) Boots of Clarity (CD Shoes) Ghost of Dreams (Ghost's Dream) Ghost Suo's Furious Blade (Sheep Knife). Amplification Book (Yellow Book) Langton's Omen (Langton) Shuria's Rhapsody (Crown) Tears of the Goddess (Tears of the Goddess) Attack type: Mystic Sword (Murder Sword) Mairead Blood Splitting Gloves (Green Claws) Black Cleaver (Black Cut) Long Sword (White Sword) Cloak of Agility (Cloak) Doran's Blade (Doran's Sword) The Last Whisper (Whisper) Blood-Drinking Sword (Blood-Drinking) Pickaxe (Cross-Grilled) Storm Sword (Blue) Sword) Greed Blade (Wage Blade) Short Sword (Short Sword) Frost Hammer (Ice Hammer) Recurve Bow (Bow) Cruel Power (Brutal) Halberd of Atama (Dung Fork) Cloak and Dagger (Cloak and Dagger) Berserker Greaves (Attack Speed ??Boots) Regal's Lamp (Lantern) Hex's Demon-Drinking Knife (Demon-Drinking Knife) Phantom Dancer (Red Cross) Mystic Sword (Killing Sword) Zealot (Yellow Cross) Endless Blade (Endless) Guinsoo's Furyblade (Sheep Knife) Stark's Zealot (Frenzy) Mairead's Claw (Red Claw) Vampire Scepter (Small Vampire Sword) Bilgewater Scimitar (Scimitar)