The word combination of chrysanthemum

Group of words: chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, cold chrysanthemum, Shu chrysanthemum, ball chrysanthemum, wolfberry chrysanthemum, red chrysanthemum.

The pinyin jú, the simplified radical 艹部, has 8 strokes outside the part and 11 strokes in total.

The traditional radical is the tail part, with 8 strokes outside the radical and 14 strokes in total.

Wubi AQOU, Cangjie TPFD, Zhengma ERUF, Sijiao 44927.

Structure top and bottom, telegraph code 5468, location 3053, unified code 83CA.

Basic meaning:

1. A perennial herb that blooms in autumn. It is an ornamental plant and can also be used as a drink.

2. Surname.

Related words:

Chrysanthemum [jú huā]?

Plant name. Asteraceae, perennial grass flower. There are many varieties. The leaves are alternate, with short stalks, dark green color, and notched and serrated leaf edges. The stem ends are branched and bear flower heads. The corollas are tongue-shaped, tube-shaped, filament-shaped, etc. The flowers are rich in color, including red, yellow, white, purple, etc.

Stevia [tián yè jú]?

A perennial herb with obovate to lanceolate leaves, small, white flowers, and leaves containing glycosides, which can be used as sweeteners.

Chrysanthemum wine [jú xǔ]?

Chrysanthemum wine.

Mei, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum [méi lán zhú jú]?

Mei, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum refers to: plum blossom, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum. ?These four kinds of flowers are called the "Four Gentlemen". The qualities are: proud, quiet, firm and light. Plum blossoms, orchids, bamboos, and chrysanthemums have become symbols of Chinese people's sense of objects and aspirations, and they are also the most common themes in poems about objects and literati paintings.

Hanju [hán jú]?

Chrysanthemum. It is called because it blooms in late autumn.

Shu chrysanthemum [shǔ jú]?

That is, hollyhock. Botanical name. The flowers are available in red, purple, yellow, white and other colors for viewing.

Qiú jú[qiú jú]?

Qiú jú is an annual herbaceous plant in the family Asteraceae of the angiosperm family. Its stems and branches are spread or creeping; the leaves are obovate or obovate-oblong; the achenes are nearly cylindrical; the flowering period is from March to June, September to November.

Qiju [qǐ jú]?

Wolfberry and chrysanthemum.