How to brush the heads of creatures in Minecraft:
Today I will teach you how to use command blocks to brush a series of heads of creatures. You may say that Creation has it, but Creation can get it. There are only 5. When MC1.7 was updated, Mojang created many MC accounts, each with a customized creature head skin, which is convenient for players to use when making adventure maps. You can get it directly by using the SkullOwner NBT. I won’t go into too much detail, just read my previous posts for details. Next, tell everyone the names of all creature heads. The format is:
/give @p minecraft:skull 1 3
Creature Name
MHF_Blaze - Blaze
MHF_CaveSpider - Cave Spider
MHF_Chicken - Chicken
MHF_Cow - Cow
MHF_Enderman - Enderman
MHF_Ghast - Ghost
MHF_Herobrine - Herobrine
MHF_LavaSlime - Hell Slime
MHF_MushroomCow - Mushroom Cow< /p>
MHF_Pig - Pig
MHF_PigZombie - Pig
MHF_Sheep - Sheep
MHF_Slime - Slime
MHF_Spider - Spider
MHF_Squid - Squid
MHF_Villager - Villager
MHF_Golem - Iron Golem
Block type
MHF_Cactus - Cactus
MHF_Chest - Chest
MHF_Melon - Watermelon
MHF_OakLog - Wood
MHF_Pumpkin - Pumpkin
Symbol class
MHF_ArrowUp - Arrow up
MHF_ArrwoDown - Arrow down
MHF_ArrowLeft - Arrow to the left
MHF_ArrowRight - Arrow to the right
MHF_Exclaimation - Exclamation mark
MHF_Question - Question mark
Others: (It is not issued by Mojang, so it may change. I have not tested it)
FHG_Cam - Camera
MHF_Cake - Cake
Tereneckla - Green Gem Mine
MHF_Apple - Apple
Edna_l - Ender Eye
BowAimbot - Bookshelf
C418 - Music Box
uioz - radio
scemm - transmitter