How to eat basswood mushroomsHow to eat basswood flower mushrooms

1. Stew chicken soup. Basswood flower bud is a treasure among shiitake mushrooms, so its nutritional value is very high. Therefore, you can add basswood mushrooms when stewing chicken soup. This will make the chicken soup taste very delicious. On the other hand, it will also greatly increase the nutritional value of the entire chicken soup. Therefore, add basswood when stewing chicken soup. Mushrooms are a very good choice.

2. Make basswood mushroom sauce. Basswood mushroom is a very fresh ingredient, so we can make it into basswood mushroom sauce. Prepared basswood flowers. Mushroom sauce is very delicious. It can be used as a side dish for breakfast. You can also add this mushroom sauce to the dishes and fry them together when cooking some food. In this case, the prepared dishes will also contain mushrooms. The aroma will be more delicious when made, and it can also be used to mix cold dishes with the same delicious taste, so it is also very good to use fresh basswood mushrooms to make mushroom sauce.

3. Make dried basswood mushrooms. Generally, the basswood mushrooms collected are fresh, so the storage time of fresh mushrooms is not particularly long. If they are not eaten within a short period of time, they will deteriorate and cannot be eaten anymore. So how to preserve it better? We can expose it in the sun to make dried basswood mushrooms. The dried basswood mushrooms are more convenient to store, and you have to soak them until soft when you want to eat them. The taste is the same as our fresh basswood mushrooms. Therefore, we can dry the fresh basswood mushrooms, which is more convenient to eat and store.