Three animals refer to cattle, sheep and pigs used for sacrifice in ancient times, and later they were called chickens, fish and pigs. Refers to the collective name of sacrificial objects used in Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. When the ancient emperors offered sacrifices to the country, the three animals, cattle, sheep and tapirs, were all prepared as "Thai prisons". Sacrifices used for ancient sacrifices need to be kept in prison before sacrifice, so this kind of sacrifice is called prison. According to the different types of sacrificial offerings, there are more prisons than prisons.
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Chicken was also called "Xun Yu" and "Golden Bird" in ancient times. China chicken culture has a long history and rich connotations. In the first phase of Dadiwan Culture in Xishanping, Tianshui, Gansu Province, the word "chicken" has been found in Oracle Bone Inscriptions about 8,000 years ago in China, which shows that China knew about chickens more than 3,000 years ago and has been raising chickens for 8,000 years.
In the past, Jin Jiu Yellow, also known as Pudong Chicken, was produced in Nanhui, Fengxian and Chuansha areas. It is a large broiler with yellow feathers, beak and feet, so it is also called Sanhuang chicken. Nine catties of yellow, particularly large, delicious meat, so it is welcomed by people all over the world, and has played a great role in the improvement of domestic chicken varieties in the world.