Question 2: Whether euglena is a plant or an animal is a general term for euglena, which is also called Euglena in botany. It is a single-celled eukaryote between animals and plants, and it is a creature between animals and plants.
See encyclopedia for details. This is absolutely correct.
Question 3: Is the euglena an animal or a plant or an animal?
Euglena is called "euglena" in zoology and is divided into protozoa, flagellates and euglena. Botanically, the euglena is named gymnosperms, also known as Chlorophyta, because it has chloroplasts that can synthesize nutrients by itself through photosynthesis, but there is no cell wall of plant cells.
Because of its characteristics of both plants and animals, euglena has become a single-celled eukaryote between animals and plants. But it is generally believed that euglena is still a protozoan. So some people think that euglena is the same ancestor of plants and animals. However, I think this statement is somewhat exaggerated.