good news
Geng Wu. 3 soil, 3 wood, 1 gold, 1 fire, no water. Jia was born on the moon and has no life; Rooted in yin, the moon column helps each other. Generally speaking, the sun Lord is weak, so he should help others, so he chose Shui Mu as his favorite god. When naming a name, it is advisable to add the corresponding five-element words and combine the five-element mathematics to select the appropriate words.
Recommended name:
Zhang bokai
Zhang jiekai
Zhang senxiong
Zhang Jiedong
Zhang qingfu
Zhang genkui
Zhang genhua
Zhang Baihua
Zhang Guihua
Zhang Jiahao
Bryan Zhang
Zhang boren
Zhang ruojie
Zhang Taomiao
Zhang Hanwen
Zhang Jihong
Zhang jihang
Hsiao Yen Chang