The rhyme of the Tang people is full of rhyme, rhyme must be cut and sound must be lost. Wen Tianchi also said. Those who accept all rivers. It is dark to release the name of the sea. The Lord is filthy and turbid, as dark as darkness. Book Gong Yu lives in Jianghan by the sea.
Also around Kyushu for the four seas. Book the Gong Yu Four Seas Conference. Erya, Dish, September 1st, Buddy, Qi Rong and Liu Man are called the Four Seas.
The richness of products is rich for both land and sea. Dong Fangshuo in the former Han Dynasty advocated the so-called land of land and sea.
Tianhai, star name. Ganzi's ten stars cross the sky and the sea, southwest of the wall.
State name. The territory of Guangyun Xuzhou belonged to Chu, Xue Jun and Donghai County during the Seven Kingdoms period. After Wei, it was Haizhou.
It also rhymes with Ye Hu, who is happy. Poetry, Xiaoya, flows like water and lives in the sea. Peregrine falcons fly very fast, sometimes during stopovers.
Another leaf of fire cuts five, and the sound tiger. Prime Minister Lu spent the night in Beijing, and the thief army made great progress. Continue after the beginning and flood into Huaihai. Rhyme or compose music.